SAFE-T Act was not reason Marseilles man was out of custody during time of alleged murder

Petre was released on cash bond posted in summer 2023

Logan M. Petre

A Marseilles man charged with murder was out of custody awaiting trial for multiple felonies when he allegedly killed his father – but Logan Petre wasn’t out because of the SAFE-T Act.

Petre, 21, is charged in La Salle County Circuit Court with first-degree murder. He would face 20 to 60 years in prison with no possibility of probation if convicted of strangling Leo Petre in the family home. (Logan Petre could face additional time if also convicted of a pending home invasion charge.)

Although Logan Petre was out of custody at the time of Leo’s death, he wasn’t released under no-cash bail established by the SAFE-T Act. Instead, Logan Petre had posted cash bond on his two pending felony cases from June 2023 (home invasion) and July 2023 (aggravated battery). Cash bonds ended in September as a result of the SAFE-T Act.

La Salle County State’s Attorney Joe Navarro said he made it a point, during the early hours of the investigation, to see whether Logan Petre had been released under the SAFE-T Act. That proved not to be the case. It was, in fact, Leo Petre who posted the $5,000 in cash needed to bond his son out for home invasion, Navarro said.

Navarro said, however, that he has concerns about whether Logan Petre should have been more closely monitored under the terms and conditions of his cash bond.

“It does not change my opinion of the SAFE-T Act,” Navarro said, “but my understanding was Logan Petre was out on an ankle monitor and was supposed to be attending counseling. That was not followed up on.”

Details from the Saturday morning investigation still are emerging, although Navarro said an autopsy showed Leo Petre died from strangulation. Logan Petre admitted in a police interview that he repeatedly struck his father, who was found to have injuries to his head, face and neck, Navarro said in court Monday.

Logan Petre is scheduled to appear for a June 26 detention hearing.

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