O-9ers’ in Streator to close at end of June

Building to be listed for sale after closure

0-9ers' Pub in Streator is located across Shabbona Street from Owens-Illinois glass factory. O-9ers’ name derives from the old “Line-O-Nine” weekly employee newspaper that Owens-Illinois used to publish as a way to keep up with news across the factory.

A Streator pub and grill announced that it will close at the end of the month.

In a Facebook post Tuesday, O-9ers’ Pub, 818 Shabbona St., said it will close permanently, effective Monday, and list the building for sale.

“As you may know, I bought this building right as COVID hit. When the state was shut down (and for a while after), I used that time to put my blood, sweat and tears into making O-9ers’ what it is today,” according to the post written by owner Brett Freeman. “I had a vision and was able to bring it to life with the never-ending support from my family and close friends. I had high hopes that the economy would recover, but unfortunately, that is not the case.”

Freeman said that as a kid he dreamed of owning a restaurant and bringing his passion for cooking to life for others to enjoy.

“Not many people get a chance to say they were able to live their dream, and although cut short, I’m forever grateful that I was given this opportunity,” Freeman said. “I want to thank everyone again for their unwavering support and cannot stress enough to support other small businesses, as we are all struggling right now!”

The O-9ers’ name was an homage to the old “Line-O-Nine” weekly employee newspaper that Owens-Illinois used to publish as a way to keep up with the news in the factory. The pub is located across the street from the Owens-Illinois glass factory, which once employed 3,000 people.

O-9ers’ will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Menu items will be available while supplies last.

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