Putnam County Rotary gavel changes hands

Rotarians honored at annual banquet

“Service Above Self” honorees at Putnam County Rotary’s annual banquet included (from left): Jacob Edens, PCHS Junior and past president of PCHS Interact Club, Aurora Bickerman, PCJH graduate and past president of PCJH Interact Club, and Toni Vishnauski, Rotary’s honoree for Community and Professional Service Above Self for her service to the community and as pharmacist at the former Granville Drugs and now at Axline Pharmacy.

Cheri Adrian was installed as president of Putnam County Rotary at the club’s annual banquet June 20 at Rolando’s in Hennepin.

Receiving the gavel and president’s pin from outgoing President Adriane Shore, Adrian is looking ahead to continuing the great projects of the past year. The club will add to those projects a new grant to upgrade emergency response educational opportunities for firefighters, first responders and community members.

Several outstanding members of the community were recognized for their “Service Above Self” in recognition of Rotary’s motto. Toni Vishnauski, pharmacist at the former Granville Drugs and now Axline Pharmacy, was honored for her professionalism and caring assistance to local residents throughout the years, as well as her volunteer support of many local worthy causes and organizations. With heartfelt gratitude, Vishnauski paid tribute to the memory of her mentor, Dave Thompson, to the community, and to her mother, Cathy Oliveri, a past recipient of the award and past member and president of the Rotary Club, whose own community service continues to inspire.

Putnam County Junior High graduate Aurora Bickerman was honored for Student Service Above Self for her community service, student assistance, leadership and dedication as a member and president of the PCJH Interact Club. She said a highlight of her year was the increase in membership and participation in Interact at the junior high.

Putnam County High School Junior Jacob Edens was honored for his Student Service Above Self as PCHS Interact President this past year, leading the club and personally participating in the club’s successful community, school and international service projects. Edens highlighted the countywide Grange Halloween Party as one of the highlights of his year.

Each recipient was presented with an inscribed plaque or memento, and a check for $100 to a charity in their honor.

Shore thanked the Club, her board and the community for support of Rotary’s many projects and programs throughout the past year. Projects have included continued stocking of the club’s Little Free Pantry in Standard, support of Interact Clubs at the junior high and high school, co-sponsorship with Interact of Red Cross Blood Drives and the Grange Halloween Parade and Party, and co-sponsorship of the Marshall-Putnam Fair Senior Day Program. Supporting literacy and education, the club also presented personal dictionaries to all Putnam County third grade students, co-sponsored Putnam County Library’s Family Day in the Park, continued the club’s Rotary Readers Program for primary and elementary students, partnered with the PC Libraries to “End Polio Now,” The club also helped with Putnam County Food Pantry’s Christmas Baskets and Toys-In-The-Pantry distribution and deliveries, served as greeters at Rotary Park’s Celebration of Lights in La Salle, helped support lighting upgrades for the PCHS Auditorium with the help of a Rotary District Grant and delivered Valentine’s Day cards to veterans. The club also continued its annual sponsorship of the post-prom Afterglow, and presented four senior scholarship awards.

In addition, the club participated in a district-wide project to collect food for PC Food Pantry, the Rotary Little Free Pantry, the PC Backpack Program and PADS.

Shore was thanked with a commemorative gift, past-president’s pin and scrapbook of the past amazing year of club leadership and service to the community.

The new officers and board installed by Rotarian and Pastor Ron McNeill include President Cheri Adrian, President-Elect Mike Olson, co-treasurers Debbie Buffington and Brenda Bickerman, Secretary Scott Shore, and additional Board Members Nancy Burress, Barry Chrenen, Tina Dolder, Ron McNeill, Matt Miller and Shore as immediate past president.

The club’s greatest challenge of the coming year will be the need for new members, and new volunteers, to support the club’s many projects. Those interested in volunteering in any of the club’s projects or considering joining as members, are encouraged to contact putnamcountyrotary@gmail.com.

New board members installed at Putnam County Rotary’s annual banquet included (standing from left): President Cheri Adrian, Pastor Ron McNeill, Scott Shore, Brenda Bickerman, Nancy Burress, Matt Miller and Barry Chrenen; and in front, outgoing President Adriane Shore and her predecessor, Debbie Buffington.
At Putnam County Rotary’s annual banquet held June 20 at Rolando's in Hennepin, Adriane Shore (on left) hands the Rotary president’s gavel to Cheri Adrian who takes the reins as of July 1.
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