Letter: Just a thought ... about being a best friend

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Best friends are special friends that when needed will lend an ear and give support to the other half of the friendship. They at times can become a chauffeur, babysitter, money lender and are the holder of secrets that must never be shared with anyone.

Being obligated when needed, the best friend can be somewhat compared to being on call 24/7, would you agree? The responsibility exists unless these friends set limits. Being best friends can be a blessing and a curse if one of the two begins to feel overused. The blessing of being best friends is having an unwavering trust that seals the union of having your very own confidant as backup, plus knowing that both of you, or all of you if more than two, are ready and willing to console and give support to each other.

The curse will only present itself if hard feelings develop. Misunderstandings and hurt feelings can complicate or unleash a best friends’ union if not immediately addressed and dissolved. Some best friends have wound up in court suing and countersuing each other.

The gate entering into best friendships swings both ways. It can be a wonderful entry into a union for many years or a temporary togetherness that wasn’t strong enough to be upheld. Everyone may or may not want to be a best friend and that’s why there are “just friends.” Best or just friends, which is better? Choose wisely.

Linda Alexandra
