Taylor Novak, 18, is a student at Sauk Valley Community College taking courses toward transferring to Northern Illinois University.
She plans to pursue a psychology career while teaching dance. Her parents are Tracy Novak and Alan Arians of Sterling. She has two brothers, Luke Ademoski, 12, and Jesse Arians, 6.
Alma mater: I graduated in 2009 from Sterling High School.
Oughta be a law: I'd make animal cruelty laws harsher.
Hearts: Watching movies at home, watching "Wife Swap" and "Trading Spouses."
Darts: Doing dishes.
Haunts: The mall or the park.
Read this: "Go Ask Alice." It's about a girl with a lot of inner problems, and she ends up pulling herself out of it.
People say I look like: My grandmother, Sandy Foster, always calls me Barbie.
Phobias: Spiders and cockroaches.
Guilty pleasure: Honey buns.
I'd like to meet: Johnny Cash.
In the dictionary next to: Impatient.
Trading places: I'd like to be Paris Hilton. There's so much talk about her, and it'd be interesting to see what she actually does do in a day.
Trading spaces: I'd like to visit Las Vegas again. I've been there before and it was just amazing.
Best thing about Sterling: The schools.
Shout out to: Kathy Thome, who was my counselor at Sterling High School.
Do you know someone who ought to be featured in Know Your Neighbors? Write to Phil Hartman at phartman@svnmail.com or call 800-798-4085, ext. 524.