Sauk Valley

Know Your Neighbors: Taylor Novak
, Student

Taylor Novak, 18, is a student at Sauk Valley Community College taking courses toward transferring to Northern Illinois University.

She plans to pursue a psychology career while teaching dance. Her parents are Tracy Novak and Alan Arians of Sterling. She has two brothers, Luke Ademoski, 12, and Jesse Arians, 6.

Alma mater: I graduated in 2009 from Sterling High School.

Oughta be a law: I'd make animal cruelty laws harsher.

Hearts: Watching movies at home, watching "Wife Swap" and "Trading Spouses."

Darts: Doing dishes.

Haunts: The mall or the park.

Read this: "Go Ask Alice." It's about a girl with a lot of inner problems, and she ends up pulling herself out of it.

People say I look like: My grandmother, Sandy Foster, always calls me Barbie.

Phobias: Spiders and cockroaches.

Guilty pleasure: Honey buns.

I'd like to meet: Johnny Cash.

In the dictionary next to: Impatient.

Trading places: I'd like to be Paris Hilton. There's so much talk about her, and it'd be interesting to see what she actually does do in a day.

Trading spaces: I'd like to visit Las Vegas again. I've been there before and it was just amazing.

Best thing about Sterling: The schools.

Shout out to: Kathy Thome, who was my counselor at Sterling High School.

Do you know someone who ought to be featured in Know Your Neighbors? Write to Phil Hartman at or call 800-798-4085, ext. 524.