February 27, 2025
Town Crier

Town Crier

Events for the week of Dec. 30, 2009


New Year's Eve Lock-In
Time: Check-in 7-8 p.m. Dec. 31; pick-up 8-8:30 a.m. Jan. 1
Place: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 1915 N. First St.
Cost: $40 per child, $20 for additional siblings
More information: Call Stacy at 815-739-0001 or email scouts475@aol.com
Girl Scout Group 475, along with their adult volunteers, will host a lock-in for children 6 months to 13 years old, providing a fun-filled night of snacks, games, crafts, movies and more. Bring a sleeping bag, pillow and stuffed animal.

Opening Reception of Communications Exhibit
Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Date: Sunday, Jan. 3
Place: DeKalb Area Women's Center Gallery, 1021 State St.
Admission: Free
DAWC Gallery will present a historical communications collection exhibit assembled by longtime journalist Barry Schrader. The exhibit will run through January 2010. Guest musician Joe Pasteris will be on hand to play "The Typewriter," arranged by Leroy Anderson. Also, a gallery talk is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8, with collector's remarks on early 20th century communication tools. Other viewing times are from 7-9 p.m. Fridays in January and by appointment by calling 815-758-1351.

Kishwaukee Valley Art League Meeting
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Date: Thursday, Jan. 7
Place: Unitarian Fellowship, corner of Fourth and Locust streets
Admission: Free
The meeting will feature a presentation by DeKalb artist and bead maker Allison Johnson, who will demonstrate how she plans her work and how she creates fired glass beads. Refreshments will be served after the demonstration. Visitors and new members welcome.

Bridal Expo
Time: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Date: Sunday, Jan. 10
Place: Duke Ellington Ballroom, NIU's Holmes Student Center
More information: www.niu.edu/hsc
Admission: Free, and includes free taste-testing from HSC catering department
Show features over 40 exhibitors. Fashion show at 2 p.m.

'Fiddler on the Roof'
Dates: 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 15-16, 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 17
Place: Egyptian Theatre in downtown DeKalb
Admission: $12 for adults, $8 for students; available at the door or at www.egyptiantheatre.org
More information: Call 815-331-6133 or go to www.annextheatrecompany.org
Classic musical presented by Annex Theatre Company.

'Tourist Art: Exploring Authenticity in a Museum Collection'
Time: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. or by appointment
Dates: Now through May 2010
Place: NIU Anthropology Museum, Stevens Building
Admission: Free
This exhibit showcases artifacts that were donated to the Anthropology Museum by faculty and community members who have visited many countries around the world. These beautiful pieces allow visitors to reflect on the words "authentic" and "tourist art" as applied to the collections."


Starting Solids with Your Baby
Time: 10 a.m.
Date: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Place: Family First Physicians, located in the Genoa KishHealth Family & Specialty Care facility, 599 Pearson Dr.
Cost: $5 per infant
To register: Call 815-784-6300
Dr. Karen Federici will host a class on infant feeding, teaching parents how to transition their babies to solids without using baby food or even a spoon. The class is intended for parents and babies at least 6 months old. It will be interactive and fun, so bring your baby and a bib.


Historical Society 'Show and Share Night'
Time: 7 p.m.
Date: Monday, Jan. 11
Place: Hinckley Community Building
More information: Call Kristy Skelly-Sternes at 815-286-3356 or Kris Kestilla-Ohnstad at 815-286-7992
Members of the community that have items such as postcards, photos, business premiums, yearbooks, documents, etc., that are part of Hinckley's past are encouraged to bring them to share. The historical society will display some of the items that have been donated. Tables will be set up for displays. You will have an opportunity to share your bit of Hinckley history.


Buffet Breakfast with Santa
Time: 7-11 a.m.
Date: Sunday, Jan. 3
Place: Monroe Center Fire Station, 104 W. Main St.
Cost: $7 for adults, $3 for children 6-12, ages 5 and under eat free
All-you-can-eat buffet breakfast with Santa is sponsored by the Monroe Center Firefighters' Association.


Mascot Mania
Time: 2-4 p.m.
Date: Wednesday, Dec. 30
Place: Midwest Museum of Natural History, 425 W. State St.
Admission: Event included in museum admission. $6, $5 for seniors and children 12 and under. Free for museum visitors.
More information: www.mmnh.org or call 815-895-9777
Museum will announce the name of the 2010 mascot. Ozzie the Cougar of the Kane County Cougars will be on hand to help celebrate.

Children's Tree Festival
Dates: through Jan. 2
Place: Midwest Museum of Natural History
More information: Call 815-895-9777
Festival will showcase trees decorated with ornaments provided by local children. Visitors will also be able to make ornaments to hang on the trees.

'Be A Better Gardener'
Tiem: Noon
Date: Thursday, Jan. 7
Place: Federated Church, 612 W. State St.
Admission: Free
Hosted by the Sycamore History Museum, program is part of museum's Brown Bag Lunch series. Master Gardener Ron Johnson will present program, helping people learn how to get in a "green" state of mind. Program includes tips on vegetable gardening and heirloom plants, and includes handouts for participants.

'Hollywood vs. Faith'
Time: 7 p.m.
Date: Saturday, Jan. 23
Place: Church of St. Mary
Tickets: $5 in advance or $10 at the door. Available at parish office
More information: Call 815-895-3275 or 815-895-3726, ext. 223
Veteran actor Frank Runyeon takes a thoughtful and humorous look at the media and urges listeners to learn to enjoy mass media without putting too much belief in Hollywood.

'Evening with Thomas Edison'
Time: 7 p.m.
Date: Saturday, Jan. 30
Place: St. John Lutheran Church
Admission: $15
More information: www.sycamorehistory.org
Winter fundraiser for Sycamore History Museum includes dessert, coffee, silent auction and entertainment by "Thomas Edison," actually R.J. Lindsey, who will present a dramatic monologue on the life of the famous inventor.

'A Note to Remember'
Time: 7-11 p.m.
Date: Saturday, Feb. 6
Place: Blumen Gardens
Admission: $15 a person/$25 a couple. Price includes musical entertainment and hors d'oeuvres and coffee bar. Cash bar also available. To purchase tickets, call Jennifer Ruff at 815-899-3466.
"A Note to Remember" is second annual night of jazz and classic music, hosted by the Sycamore Music Boosters. Features highly-acclaimed Sycamore alums Pete Benson with his keyboard trio and Kirk Lundbeck and the Black Tie Jazz Trio, as well as students and faculty of the Sycamore music program. Raffles and prizes also a part of the evening. Event is a fundraiser for Sycamore Music Boosters, who aid in the purchase of instruments, uniforms and scholarships.