Daily Chronicle

Hinckley-Big Rock lists semester honor roll students

The following local students were named to the first semester honor roll of the 2010-11 academic year at Hinckley-Big Rock High School. This list was submitted by the school. Any questions or concerns regarding this list should be directed to Hinckley-Big Rock High School.

High honor roll – 3.60 GPA and higher


Roy Diedesch, Jessica Fenner, Sarah Freriks, Nicole Geib, Alexander Hemesath, Dylan Johnsen, Michael Kula, Ashley Leasure, Alexandria Mann, Shelby Novicki, Lauren Ott, Timothy Owen, Kevin Richardson, Maxzine Rossler, Ryan Small, Tyler Tosch, Justin Umano, Hanna VanderMoere and Heather Weissinger


Alyssa Baunach, Zoe Castellano, Morgan Conley, David Erhart, Amanda Kaus, Mitch McNanna, Hannah Morsch, Sarah Paver, Brenna Runge, Justin Salazar and Lyndsey Seierstad


Anne Aakeberg, Alyssa Cowan, Justin Dillenback, Dillon Ford, Karissa Goben, Megan Goeringer, Brittany Herrmann, Katie Hollis, Michaela Holub, Elizabeth Howie, Nicholas Iraci, Samuel Kimpan, Max Komes, Josie Kossman, Michael Long, Rachel Michaels, Tyler Ott, Kaitlin Phillips, Kendall Phillips, Rachel Phillips, Kira Ryan, Anthony Sanders, Connor Umano and Benjamin Yeager


Emily Banigan, Michael Bayler, Lauren Dunteman, Nicholas Gentry, Mitchell Hemesath, Beth Klein, Kayla Kroner, Jared Madden, Gabrielle Miller, Daniel Noll, Kristen Runyan, William Weissinger and Luke Winkle

Honor Roll – 3.0-3.59 gpa


Sarah Bayler, Bryan Blume, Ashley Brignoni, Sarah Briick, Haley Christensen, Shelbi Ewan, Megan Flannery, Ava Godhardt, Michael Hall, Jared Harper, Brice Hartmann, Cassie Kroner, Matthew Laurie, Brittni Lee, Jessica Leifheit, Jessica Meyer, Brian Michaels, Jessica Morris, Mitchell Mullis, Isaac Noll, Carolyn Sanders, Spencer Smith, Jenna Thorp, Andrew Weekly, Amber Wolsfeld and Timothy Yeager


Tess Godhardt, Melissa Klambauer, Lee Klein, Maggie Mack, Shannon Miller, Alan Pease, Ryne Schoger, Samantha Sleezer, Emily Stege and Danielle Withaar


Kristopher Beitel, Cory Bradburn, Hannah Bryant, Brandon Dillenback, Cody Ekle, Maggie Federman, Vernon Gochee, Colin Goodson, Brandon Groom, Megan Hamm, Michaela Klema, Erik Lasswell, Morgan Lee, JohnDavid Oeters, Cristos TapiaArellano and Marni Warner


Benjamin Barnes, Mack Carls, Bridgette Edmeier, Forrest Grivetti, Christian Johnsen, Erin Mahan, Katlynn Parks, Mitchel Ruh, Paige Schreiber, George Thompson, Abigail Tosch, Caitlin Walley, Micah Wentzlaff and Katybeth Yeager.