Surrounded by supporters, Ogle County Circuit Clerk Martin W. Typer, Stillman Valley, announced last week that he will retire from his post on Nov. 30.
Typer, who is running for a county board seat in the Nov. 2 election, held a press conference in the jury room at the Ogle County Judicial Center on July 28 to announce his retirement.
Accompanying Typer were Ogle County Board member Maggie Nye, Ogle County Coroner Lou Finch, Ogle County Clerk Rebecca Huntley, former Ogle County Sheriff and former county board member Jerry Brooks, and former Ogle County Treasurer Chris Martin.
Typer thanked his staff and other county officials for their service and support during his 18 years as circuit clerk.
"It has been an honor and a privilege to serve Ogle County as Ogle County Circuit Clerk for the past 18 years," Typer said in a letter of announcing his retirement. "Over these years, with the help of my outstanding staff and a progressive Judiciary, Probation and State's Attorney office, we have been able to move forward to produce a cost effective and efficient service for the county."
He also thanked his family for the sacrifices they made during his career in public service.
Typer's current four-year term as circuit clerk does not expire until 2012.
A Republican, Typer filed a petition June 17 to run as an Independent for one of three seats open in Ogle County's District 3, which includes Leaf River, Byron, Rockvale and Marion Townships.
Illinois state statutes dictate that he cannot serve as circuit clerk and on the county board simultaneously.
Following Typer's announcement July 28, Huntley said the county central committees for both the Republicans and Democrats now have he opportunity to slate a candidate to run for circuit clerk on the Nov. 2 ballot for the remainder of Typer's term.
Had Typer waited until after July 31 to announce his retirement, the county board would have been responsible to appoint someone to fill out the term.
The Republican Central Committee will meet Aug. 12 to choose a candidate to run for the post.