Eric Clayton, 39, of Sterling, works at CVS Pharmacy in Sterling. He has lived in California, New Jersey and Florida. His mother is BJ Clayton, 69, of Sterling.
What is your favorite sports team? The Chicago Bulls. I love Derrick Rose.
What is your favorite type of music? ’80s music: pure metal. My favorite band is The Beatles.
What are your hobbies? Cycling and basketball. I also play guitar and like to dance.
What do you like to read? Short stories by Edgar Allan Poe.
What is your favorite TV show? “Tosh.0” on Comedy Central.
What is your favorite type of food? Touch of Thai in Dixon; their sushi is great.
What is your favorite local restaurant? Al & Leda’s Pizzeria. I love pizza.
What is your favorite thing about Sterling? They are starting to incorporate the arts, for example, Fourth Fridays. They also are starting to incorporate the Rock River.
What are your summer plans? To enjoy the weather.
What is an interesting fact about yourself? I enjoy cooking and checking out local restaurants.