December 21, 1887
A law has been passed in Waldeck, Germany, forbidding the granting of a marriage license to a person addicted to the liquor habit.
This is what free trade means – cheap goods, cheap labor. Why any American should desire free trade is beyond our power of comprehending. Under our protective laws we have been a most prosperous people.
The ghost which haunted the lonely vicinity of Lattin's warehouse for some weeks found its nightly vigils so disturbed by the crowds of ghost hunters that it has disappeared entirely.
F.O. Connor and Thomas Finney of Shabbona were tried before a justice for selling liquor, contrary to the ordinances of that village.
It is not often that the local business places close the entire day on New Years and Christmas days, but they will this year.
Now is the time when the average small boy begins being good and obeying his parents, saying "thank you" and practicing various other civilities heretofore neglected.
December 18, 1912
With this issue the True Republican enters upon its 56th year – the oldest paper in DeKalb County and, many believe, the best.
Martin Kalish, a farmer of Genoa, was held up and robbed in the Union passenger station in Chicago last Friday.
Perhaps the greatest advance in modern education has been in the industrial line, and the plea is strong and continuous for vocational training.
When the roads thawed a little last week, Sycamore took advantage of the opportunity to drag the dirt roads, and they are now in fine condition for winter.
Fred Wheeler, who murdered his wife at their home near Cherry Valley, is very well satisfied with the verdict rendered by the jury last week and by his sentence of 25 years. He is glad his neck was spared.
A jury in Kane County awarded $7,500 damages to a 3-year-old boy against the Dearborn-Jackson Construction company. The little boy lost the sight of one eye and had a hand badly mangled last year while he and a playmate were playing with dynamite caps left in the street by employees of the company. The suit was for $10,000. A suit in the death of the playmate is set for this week.
An estate of about $50,000, less a few bequests, goes as an endowment to the DeKalb City Hospital under the will of the late Mrs. Clinton E. Rosette.
December 22, 1937
One of the outstanding events of the holiday season will be the old-fashioned, informal New Year's party at the Sycamore Fargo hotel. Nothing is being left undone to make the party a gala occasion that will linger long in the memories of participants.
"Vacation burglars" paid an unwelcome visit to the unoccupied residence of L.W. Florian and made off with household goods valued at $400.
The county board is strongly considering improving a continuous road from Sycamore to Somonauk and the new Annie Glidden Road with black top.
Possibility of the development of oil wells on the 15-acre tract owned by them as stockholders of the DeKalb County Agricultural Association has excited some 200 farmers.
The letter to Santa Claus mailed at the local post office this year that has received the most attention was from a Sycamore boy, and all he wanted from Santa Claus was an overcoat for his father. The letter told of the need of such a garment, and the boy was willing to forgo his hope of toys at Christmas for the comfort a coat would bring his father. Unfortunately, the letter was not signed, and therefore cannot be given the attention it deserves.
December 19, 1962
Nine neighbors on Seventh Street in DeKalb have set up a unique Christmas greeting in their block. In the front lawn of each home a large, imitation candle has been set up. In the center of the face of each red candlestick appears a large white letter. The letters on the nine candles spell "MERRY XMAS."
There will be no court today due to the annual courthouse Christmas party this afternoon. The courthouse staff and a few guests will gather around the Christmas tree for the festivities. If you hear strange noises, it will be the voices of a couple of news reporters making a croaking attempt at joining in the singing of carols.
A couple of pint-sized "bandits" raided the Milk-O-Rama on Route 23 Friday night and made off with a bag of potato chips and six packs of soft drinks.
Judge R.E. Millet assessed one of the heaviest fines for driving while intoxicated that he has meted out in some time when Harry A. Feltner of Kalamazoo, Mich. was ordered to pay $150 and costs.
John "Jake the Barber" Factor, who is acquainted with the local area by reason of his stay at the DeKalb County jail in 1933, and who has been in and out of various courts over the past 30 years, may be entering the final phase of his "law" career. Uncle Sam wants to deport him to his native England.
William Troeger, 16, exploded the biggest crime story of the year in Sycamore Wednesday when he admitted having set the $125,000 fire that destroyed the Sycamore Lumber company on Aug. 4, 1959. ...It was only by the greatest mobilization of firefighting equipment in Sycamore history that the nearby buildings of Holub Industries, State Theater, Sycamore Bowl and the old CNW depot were saved from the blaze.
– Sycamore True Republican
December 23, 1987
If Sycamore's school referendum fails, 31 staff positions, all sports and extracurricular activities, middle school vocational courses and high school basic and honors classes in English and math will be eliminated next year.
– The MidWeek