March 04, 2025

From the editor’s desk

By the time you read this, a brand new year will be upon us. I hope your Christmas and New Year’s holidays were wonderful and you had many opportunities to make some wonderful memories. After all, when the leftovers are gone, the wrapping paper is on the curb and the corks have been popped ... memories are all we really have anyway, aren’t they?

Like the beginning of anything else that’s new, I’m excited about 2013. In my position here at the Bureau County Republican, we have a host of new and interesting items planned for you, our readers. Contests, features, new products ... in a changing media world, we know we must also change, so we’ll continue to bring you a product that you can be proud to call your hometown newspaper.

Please keep in mind you — our readers — are integral to the success of your hometown newspaper. We want your input. No ... we need your input to publish a newspaper filled with all the items that are important to you. As always, you’ll notice many opportunities to make the BCR an interactive newspaper.

Please call our office with any story ideas, comments, news tips or suggestions you might have. I can be reached directly by calling 815-875-4461, ext. 229, or you can email me at Happy reading!


What's the BigDeal? Every week, the BCR partners with area businesses to offer you a BigDeal!, geared to save you some cash. You can take advantage of our BigDeal! on our website at Following is this week's BigDeal!:

• Just in time for your New Year’s resolution! Get a 20-punch fitness card for only $50 (regularly priced at $100) at the Bureau County Metro Center. This punch card is only good for land, water and spin classes.


Letters to the Editor: I absolutely love your Letters to the Editor. To me, a Letter to the Editor signifies the fact the author cares enough about a particular situation to make his/her opinion known. In a day of too much apathy, I find that admirable.

There are some policies we have regarding Letters to the Editor. A Letter to the Editor is one that deals with a single topic of interest. You can email your letters to or drop them by the office in Princeton at 800 Ace Road. Of course, we prefer an electronic version.

Other policies include: 1. Letters to the Editor should not be more than 500 words in length. 2. Only one person can sign a Letter to the Editor. 3. The author of the letter must include his/her name, hometown and telephone number. The author’s name and hometown will be published, however, the telephone number is only used to verify the authenticity of the author’s signature and will not be published. No letter will be published until the BCR contacts the author of the letter to verify the signature. 4. Unsigned letters are never read or published. 5. Letters on the same topic by the same author can only be submitted every 30 days. 6. The BCR reserves the right to refuse or edit any letter. Feel free to call me with any questions you might have.


Most of you know Shaw Media recently bought the Putnam County Record and The Tonica News newspapers. In my travels back and forth from Princeton to Putnam County to Tonica, I’ve enjoyed the scenery along with the way. But a few days ago I was driving to the Putnam County Record office in Granville, and just after I left Interstate 180 by Hennepin, I happened to glance to my left and saw 20-plus deer just standing by the road. What the heck! I pulled over to watch them for a minute or two. Wow! Watch out, folks! These four-legged friends didn’t seem to be too intimidated by passing vehicles.


Thought for today: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison.

Thought for tomorrow: “There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.” Mary Wilson Little.


According to Time magazine, the following 10 New Year’s resolutions are the ones most commonly broken ... or never realized:

1. Lose weight and get fit.

2. Quit smoking.

3. Learn something new.

4. Eat healthier and diet.

5. Get out of debt and save money.

6. Spend more time with family.

7. Travel to new places.

8. Be less stressed.

9. Volunteer.

10. Drink less.

If you’re like me, several of those New Year’s resolutions could apply to my life, however, whenever I put one of those things on my list ... I think I’m setting myself up for failure. So instead ... I think my New Year’s resolution is something much easier that I really have a chance of keeping. It’s simple. My New Year’s resolution is just to be nicer. Don’t misunderstand. I think I’m a fairly nice person, but there’s always room for improvement. Just think if everyone made that resolution and kept it ... what a wonderful world we would have! Are you with me?


Don’t forget: The BCR encourages you to send us your press releases of upcoming events and photos you’ve taken of those special events. Send those items to Questions? Call BCR Associate Editor Rita Roberts at 815-8785-4461, ext. 227.


It’s difficult to believe it’s already 2013! As the old cliche goes ... where does the time go? As the new year gets underway, I would urge you to carve out some time for yourself and those you love. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Breathe. Exhale. And remember ... you are important to me and the BCR.