February 11, 2025
Local News

Nash Recreation Center will receive upgrades

Pool will be closed during construction

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Patrons of the pool at Nash Recreation Center will need to find a new place to swim this summer— at least temporarily.

Officials at the Oregon Park District will be using funds from a $1.5 million Parks and Recreation Facility Construction Grant (PARC Grant) to help cover costs to address maintenance and upgrade to the facility.

Bids for the project will be opened Feb. 7 and work is tentatively scheduled for May through July.

The park district is responsible for 25 percent of the costs for the project and the 75 percent grant will cover up to $1.5 million.

"This has been a long process," said Don Griffin, superintendent of environmental services. "In 2007 the park district implemented a capital improvement plan. It is nice that we had a plan because without the plan we would not have the opportunity for this project."

The plan included projects that would need to be addressed to fix 30-40 year old services in the building, such as the roof and plumbing.

"The items being taken care of were identified in the capital improvement plan," said assistant executive director Erin Folk. "Without the PARC Grant we would not accomplish all of this work.  The grant is also creating jobs in the community."

A major project being undertaken is replacing and fixing the roof over the pool area.  Parts of the roof have visible rust and peeling paint.  Windows in the pool area will also be replaced.

While this work is being done, the pool will be closed.

"We are at the mercy of the weather," said Folk. "The roof project needs to be done in the summer."

Plumbing for the pool and spa will also be upgraded during construction.

Plans in the base bid call for the pool filter to be removed for reconditioning.  Some of the piping that operates the spa will also need to be replaced.

Another visible change in the pool area will be the removal of the planter boxes in the pool area.

This will allow for a wider deck area surrounding the pool.

"The project is a coordinated effort," said Griffin. "The sounder the roof is done the sooner the rest of the work in the pool area can be done."

"Our goal is to reduce the energy costs of the building," said Griffin. "The roof currently has minimal insulation."

Using newer building materials will bring the pool area to an insulation value of R-25, Griffin said.

Installing newer equipment in the building will replace some of the aging equipment that is less energy efficient.

Other plumbing changes will include the replacement of the iron filtration system and increasing the water service to the building.

When this work is being completed, the locker rooms and bathrooms of the facility may be impacted

"The water supply to the building needs to be increased," said Griffin.

He said the current supply is not adequate when the facility has heavy usage.

Solar panels will be installed during the project even though the money for them was covered with a separate grant.

Another change on the roof will be the upgrading of 5 air handlers with newer models.

With construction impacting patrons of the facility, Folk said the district is working with the Byron Park District.

"We have a deal with them for our pool customers," said Folk.

Patrons can contact the Byron Park District for information about using the pool in Byron when the pool at Nash is closed.

Oregon Park District pass holders can also turn in their pass during the closure to receive credit to their account.

"We are trying to minimize the impact to our patrons," said Folk.

The Oregon Park District officials have been seeking grant money for projects throughout the district.

At Nash alone, the district has received $2 million in grant money over the past 5 years.

Upgrades to Oregon Park West were also completed using grant money.

Officials will announce any closures to Nash services on their website at www.oregonpark.org and notices will be posted in the building.