HINSDALE – An emergency evacuation shelter as well as local Emergency Operations Center are available to Hinsdale residents seeking relief from this week's storms.
The storm caused Village President Tom Cauley to declare a state of emergency as several low-lying roadways in Hinsdale were impassable Thursday due to flooding. Emergency personnel also assisted with the evacuation of the Graue Mill Condo Association because of rising water levels of Salt Creek.
Shelter is available at Benedictine College, 5700 College Road in Lisle. The Emergency Operations Center will coordinate addressing the concerns surrounding the weather and flood conditions the area is experiencing.
Since midnight Thursday, the Hinsdale Police Department responded to six motorist assists, two property damage accidents, 26 fire department assists, 12 public works assists and six citizen assists.
The Village of Clarendon Hills also declared a state of emergency as several homes and businesses were affected by flooding, including the Park Avenue detention area.
Officials expect the detention basin to begin draining once waters upstream subside and capacity opens downstream. The pump located in this detention basin has failed, however this has had no impact on the rate of water draining from the area.
All residents are encouraged to take photos and keep receipts of any repairs as a result of the storm.