October 23, 2024
Local News | Kane County Chronicle

Local News

Face Time with Sandra Mehl

St. Charles resident Sandra Mehl, 53, was at the ribbon-cutting of the Water Street Studios PrintLab in St. Charles when she answered 10 questions for the Kane County Chronicle’s Brenda Schory.

Where did you grow up? Topeka and Kansas City, Kan.

Pets? A cat named Sadie, but we call her Kitten.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? Audrey Hepburn

First job? Dairy Queen

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An artist. I am an artist, finally making that my life. I paint dog portraits.

A book you'd recommend? Books by Sue Monk Kidd

Do you play an instrument? Piano

What game show would you be on? "Jeopardy"

Favorite local restaurant? Pizzeria NEO in St. Charles

What is an interesting factoid about yourself? I have been to Italy, France, Canada and Mexico.