March 17, 2025
Local News

Lee-Ogle spelling bee set for Feb. 20 at Dixon High

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DIXON – A all-expense paid trip to Washington will be the top prize for the top speller in Lee and Ogle counties.

The annual Lee-Ogle Regional Spelling Bee will be held at 10 a.m. Feb. 20 at Dixon High School, 315 Lincoln Statue Drive.

Twenty-six third- through eighth-graders will compete for the regional championship.

The winner receives an all-expenses-paid trip to National Harbor, Md., just south of Washington, to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee at the end of May.

Prizes include a Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, a Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, a Kindle Fire, a $100 U.S. savings bond, an Amazon $20 gift certificate, an Encyclopedia Britannica online subscription, and trophies.

Sponsors include the Telegraph, First National Bank of Amboy, and the Lee-Ogle Regional Office of Education.

Go to or call the Lee-Ogle Regional Office of Education, 815-652-2054, for more information.