Suburban News

Clarendon Hills police warn residents of solicitors after recent burglary

CLARENDON HILLS – In light of a recent burglary that resulted in thousands of dollars in lost possessions, the Clarendon Hills Police Department is asking residents to report any suspicious, unsolicited persons who may ringing door bells in the village.

The residential burglary occurred sometime between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. March 4 in the 100 block of Prospect Street.

Police said forced entry was made to the home and about $20,000 worth of jewelry was taken. No one was home during the time of the burglary.

According to police, burglars target unoccupied homes and often ring door bells to check if people are present. If people are present, they will likely pretend to be selling a service, or provide another excuse.

Solicitors are required to be permitted by the village, according to a news release from the village of Clarendon Hills.

With the upcoming spring holidays, residents are reminded to inform the police department of extended absences from a home by submitting the unoccupied residence form located on the village website,

Residents are also advised to avoid the “tell-tale signs” of being out of town, such as piled up newspapers, or an unplowed driveway or walk, according to the release.