March 28, 2025
Local News

Ben Shaw leaving family company

Chief technology officer accepts job in Germany

DIXON – Ben Shaw, chief technology officer at Shaw Media, will leave his family’s company for a job opportunity abroad.

Shaw, 38, has accepted a position as senior digital consultant with the World Association of Newspapers, and will be based in Frankfurt, Germany.

Shaw joined the family business in 2004, starting as a systems technician at the Kane County Chronicle. Three years later, he moved to Shaw Corporate, and was named IT director. In 2010, Shaw was promoted to chief digital officer, before assuming his current leadership post in November 2013.

Shaw has worked abroad before, teaching at Namseoul University in South Korea in 2002 and 2003. He also has participated in several technology expos worldwide, which is how he found this job opportunity.

“I really wasn’t looking, but when I saw this job and the travel opportunities, it was just too good to not give it a shot,” Shaw said. “It’s a very good fit for my skill set.”

Shaw’s new employer also has offices in Paris and Singapore. He will help develop media strategies for larger media companies, most of which are members of WAN-IFRA.

Both Ben and his father, Shaw Media CEO Tom Shaw, called the move bittersweet.

“It was a tough decision,” Ben Shaw said. “There’s such a great staff and culture here, and I appreciated the opportunity to work with my father and brother.”

“It’s a wonderful opportunity for him, and as a father, I’m very excited for him,” Tom Shaw said. “But he was so valuable to the company, and he leaves big shoes to fill.”

Tom Shaw said his son provided great insight and leadership during a time of rapid technology changes within the newspaper industry.

“Not only did he help navigate through it all, he made us innovative enough to do some amazing things for a company our size,” he said. “But we have built a great team, and the process will continue.”

Ben’s last day with Shaw Media will be Aug. 22. He and his wife, Joon, are hoping to be in Germany by Sept. 1.

A search for Shaw’s replacement will begin in the next few weeks, the company said.