Name: Chase Pierce.
School: Bureau Valley High School.
Date/place of birth: Jan. 9, 1997; Spring Valley.
Hometown: Walnut.
Family: Lynette McFadden (Mom), Doug McFadden (Stepdad), Patrick Pierce (Dad), Jacob Pierce (brother) and Madie McFadden (sister).
Sports: Football and track.
Favorite sport and why: Track and field (discus). It's relaxing, and the discus is so majestic in the air.
Favorite food and where to get it: Whipped cream frosting cake. You can get it anywhere, I don't care. I love cake.
Likes: Most animals, food — lots of food, money, I love to fish, warm weather, happiness, relaxing and thinking, music, TV, I love going out to movies.
Dislikes: Reading, raisins, Tootsie Rolls, heights, birds, sadness.
Person with the greatest influence on my athletic career (and why): Coach Ohlson, he really focused his attention on teaching me the sport.
Person with the greatest influence in my life (and why): My mom. She has always been there for me, helped me make the right decisions, supported me, and brought me up to be the amazing man I am today.
If stranded on a deserted island, I would have my: My cat (Putter). Then I have something to talk to, play with, and he's great protection.
The last song I listened to: "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon. I love that song.
People would be surprised to know: I smell things all the time ... I don't even realize it. It's random stuff like pencils, salt shakers, phones.
I stay home to watch: Documentaries. I really like interesting documentaries.
When I need luck for a big game, I: Lay around and relax. I like to just lay there and think.
The funniest person I've ever met (and why): Keegan Mooney. The kid just gets me. He knows how to make me laugh.
What they'll say about me at school after I graduate: I hope they miss me. Say I was a nice, sweet kid. It would just be nice to be remembered.
Most embarrassing moment: Hmmm ... I don't get too embarrassed. I sort of peed my pants in fifth grade, that was kind of embarrassing.
Most unforgettable moment: I was kind of close to getting kidnapped last weekend. I doubt I forget about that.
Ultimate sports fantasy: Throw 180 feet in discus, then run the 110m hurdles in 10 seconds.
What I would like to do in life: My true dream is to be an entrepreneur/business owner. I want to start and run my own business someday even though I'm not sure what type of business yet.
Three words that best describe myself: Awesome, awesome, awesome.