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Christina (Judd) Mennie announces candidacy

HENNEPIN — Christina (Judd) Mennie is seeking the Republican nomination for the office of Putnam County State’s Attorney in the November 2016 election.

On Dec. 17, 2014, following the resignation of former Putnam County State’s Attorney James A. Mack, Mennie was appointed to the office by the Putnam County Board to complete the term.

Mennie is a Putnam County native. She was born and raised in Hennepin and is the daughter of Terry and Barb Judd of Hennepin.

Mennie graduated from the University of Illinois in 2000 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and Business. She received her Juris Doctorate in 2003 from Northern Illinois University.

Her first position was in the office of Boyle & Bolin until 2010 when she opened her own firm.

Mennie has served as the village of Granville’s counsel as well as on several boards, committees and organizations.

She is currently the chairperson of the Putnam County Board of Health, a member of St. Patrick Church in Hennepin, secretary of the Hennepin Betterment Association and a member of the Illinois State Bar Association.

She and her husband, Scott, lived for 10 years in Granville and now make their home in Hennepin.

When announcing her candidacy, Mennie said, “I look forward to continuing to work closely and in a spirit of cooperation with law enforcement, the county board, courthouse personnel and the public to keep Putnam County safe and efficient.

“I feel that I am making much progress in improving the functions of my office.

“I returned home from college because of the people and the values we enjoy here.

“I ask for the privilege and opportunity to continue to serve the people of Putnam County. Putnam County has always been my home, and its people and institutions shall always be my priority. “