March 06, 2025

Turkey testicle festivals to bring crowds to McHenry County area

Thanksgiving eve tradition served up in Huntley, Union and East Dundee

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There should be plenty of turkey testicles to go around this Thanksgiving eve.

With a festival in Huntley and two in Union, along with a new addition in East Dundee this year, fans of the annual night-before-Thanksgiving treat – or, for many, dare food – have options.

In its 33rd year, the longest-running Turkey Testicle Festival takes place from 11 a.m. to midnight Nov. 25 at Parkside Pub in Huntley, where at least 5,000 people are expected to fill the pub and a heated tent throughout the day.

“It’s just become tradition,” said J.R. Westberg, who co-owns Parkside with Jeff Lovell. “I’ve had people here from Australia, Japan, all over the world. ... I think it started with students coming home from college about 10 to 15 years ago, and it’s continually progressed since then.”

Along with serving up about 1,200 pounds of turkey testicles – yes, they’re exactly what they sound like – Parkside will host performances by three popular bands, 7th Heaven, Modern Day Romeos and Sixteen Candles, and is offering a new Platinum Pass this year.

The pub once again will offer its VIP pass at $20 a person at, which basically gets festival-goers to the front of the line. Those who don't mind waiting can pay $10 at the door, with admission costs going to area charities.

“The line could take you an hour, depending on when you come,” said Leanne Belknap, a bartender at Parkside for the past six years.

The new Platinum Pass, $50 at, comes with front-of-the-line access, as well as a long-sleeve t-shirt, a sample cup of nuts and access to a Platinum Pass area, including a private bar, bathrooms and the chance to hang with the bands.

As for the main draw – the testicles – well, they’re more of an acquired taste, said Belknap, who personally isn’t a fan.

“They smell really good, and they look phenomenal, but when you bite into them they have kind of a mushy feel,” she said. “Some people love them. Some people don’t. Maybe it’s the fact that what they’re eating grosses them out.”

They have the texture of fried mushrooms, Westberg said. To spruce them up, patrons have been known to put hot sauce on them or dip them in ranch dressing, Westberg said, “and of course washing them down with a cold beverage is preferred.”

To Jim Hennig, who originally started the festival at Parkside before buying Clasen's Tavern in Union and hosting his own Turkey Testicle Festival there for the past three years, they're a cross between a chicken gizzard and a chicken liver.

“We don’t cut them up,” he said of Clasen’s “secret” recipe. “Some cut them up and heavily bread them. We leave them large.”

Clasen’s is hosting two days worth of festivities this year, with Turkey Testical Festival events Nov. 21 and 25. The festivities will include performances by Alex Corn and Joey Sunset Band on Nov. 21 and Street Corner Blues on Nov. 25. Each event’s $5 admission cost will benefit the Union Fire Department.

The tavern expects to reach capacity – about 500 people – both days, Hennig said.

Over at Donley's Village Hall Banquets in Union, at least 1,000 people are expected to attend the venue's 20th annual Turkey Testicle Festival. Doors open at 7 p.m. for those ages 21 and older. For an admission cost of $10 a person, attendees get a complimentary serving of turkey testicles and can take part in games, free giveways and dancing to "Music in Motion" by DJ Tim Hicks.

As for the other area festivals, Hennig said, “I don’t think it’s a competition at all. I think it’s like St. Patrick’s Day. There’s plenty to go around. … It’s just so unique, and it’s the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, such a huge night to seep people in town.”

That’s the hope of Cliff Surges, an East Dundee businessman and member of the Dundee Foundation, which is hosting The Turkey Festival in East Dundee, along with the East Dundee Volunteer Firefighters Association. The inaugural event will take place from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Nov. 25 at The Depot on River Street.

The word “testicle” might not be in the title, but they’ll be there. Organizers removed the word because it tended to be censored in promotional emails and social media, Surges said.

The event will include a “Testes Throwdown” with three area food vendors – Blues BBQ and Grill, Emmetts and Randall Roadhouse – competing to make the best “finger-licking-good turkey parts.”

“We’re not trying to step on anybody else’s toes. We’re saying there are alternatives,” Surges said. “It’s the biggest bar night of the year.”

Among the bands playing in East Dundee are 7th Heaven, Mason Rivers, Cinful and HiFi Superstar.

The festivities, held in several heated outdoor tents on and around The Depot grounds, also include a meat raffle and games.

Admission is $5 for those 18 years and older, $2 for those 3 to 17 years old and free for those 2 years and younger from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The admission cost from 4 to 10 p.m. is $10 for all ages.

The goal is to raise funds for the Dundee Foundation, which promotes events in both East and West Dundee, as well as surrounding towns, such as Gilberts and Sleepy Hollow. With West Dundee’s Heritage Fest in September and Dickens in Dundee in December, foundation members saw a gap in events drawing people to the area.

“We’ll see where it goes,” Surges said. “Hopefully, this is the inaugural, and hopefully it becomes the main fundraising mechanism for the foundation.”


WHEN: 11 a.m. to midnight Nov. 25

WHERE: Parkside Pub, 11721 Main St., Huntley

COST & INFO: Along with Parkside's famous turkey testicles, the 33rd annual festival will include a heated tent and live music by 7th Heaven at 1 p.m., followed by Modern Day Romeos at 5 p.m. and Sixteen Candles at 9 p.m. Must be 21 years of age and older to attend. Tickets start at $10 a person at the door, with proceeds going to area charities. Special passes available at, with a new platinum pass offering front-of-the-line entry, a long-sleeve t-shirt, a sample cup of nuts, access to a dedicated Platinum Pass area, bar and port-o-potties and the chance to hang with the bands before and after their sets costing $50 a person. A $20 VIP pass offers front-of-the-line entry. Bus routes to the festival available throughout Huntley. Information: or 847-669-8496.


WHEN: 4 p.m. to bar closing Nov. 21 & 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Nov. 25

WHERE: Clasen's Tavern, 17628 Depot St., Union

COST & INFO: Third annual festival with turkey testicles served and live music. On Saturday, Alex Corn will perform from 4 to 7 p.m. followed by Joey Sunset Band from 7 to 11 p.m. On Wednesday, Street Corner Blues will perform from 7 to 11 p.m. Admission cost is $5 a person, with the proceeds going to the Union Fire Department. Information: 815-923-4164 or


WHEN: 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 25-26

WHERE: Donley's Village Hall Banquets, 8512 S. Union Road, Union

COST & INFO: Featuring DJ Tim Hicks with "Music in Motion," a complimentary serving of turkey testicles, outrageous games, free giveaways and large dance floor. For those ages 21 and older. Cost: $10 a person. Information: or 815-923-8000.


WHEN: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Nov. 25

WHERE: The Depot on River Street, East Dundee

COST & INFO: Sponsored by the Dundee Foundation in partnership with the East Dundee Volunteer Firefighters association, the inaugural one-day, outdoor festival includes music, food plates, a meat raffle, games and more. The activities will take place under several large, heated tents. Live music will be performed by HiFi Superstar from noon to 2 p.m., Cinful from 4 to 6 p.m., Mason Rivers from 6 to 8 p.m. and 7th Heaven from 8 to 10 p.m. At 6 p.m., three area food vendors – Blues BBQ and Grill, Emmetts and Randall Roadhouse – will compete to create the best turkey testicles in a "Testes Throwdown." Admission: $5 for ages 18 and older, $2 for ages 3 to 17 and free for those ages 2 and younger from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. From 4 to 10 p.m., the admission cost is $10 for all ages. Information: or