September 08, 2024

Roskam wins Republican nomination for 6th Congressional District seat

Handily wins over challenger Jay Kinzler

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U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Wheaton, on March 15 won handily over challenger Jay Kinzler, of Glen Ellyn, to win the Republican nomination for the 6th Congressional District seat.

With most districts reporting Tuesday night, Roskam was leading handily with 69 percent of the vote compared to Kinzler's 31 percent.

“I’m deeply humbled to receive such overwhelming support from my friends and neighbors," Roskam said in a statement. "Today’s vote reaffirms my commitment to carry the values of the 6th District to Washington. The great people of the western suburbs have placed their trust in me to represent our common-sense conservative values in our nation’s capital — it’s a responsibility I do not take for granted. Now, as we turn towards November, we must work even harder to make sure we return a conservative majority to Congress to grow our economy and restore America’s leadership in the world."

Roskam now will face Democratic challenger Amanda Howland, of Hawthorn Woods, in the fall general election. The 6th Congressional District covers parts of Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane and McHenry counties.

In a statement, Kinzler said while he was disappointed in the election outcome, he appreciated the work of those who joined his campaign and the voters of the 6th District who supported him.

"I hope that our efforts have inspired others to require greater fidelity to our nation's founding principles from our representatives. It was a great experience meeting residents from District 6 and listening to their concerns," Kinzler said. "I enjoyed the new friendships made and the old friendships rekindled. My family and I were blessed by these experiences, and I look forward to continuing to serve our community, state, and country."

Roskam has made a name for himself as chairman of a subcommittee of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee tasked with investigating the apparent targeting of conservative groups for increased IRS scrutiny, and his name was whispered as a possible successor to former Speaker John Boehner in the wake of his resignation.

“During the course of my time in Congress, I have a proven track record of legislative accomplishments,” Roskam previously said. “I have worked with other members, regardless of their political or ideological positions, to advance legislation that is important to the citizens of the 6th District, the state of Illinois, and the nation as a whole.”

Kinzler has been a Glen Ellyn Park District commissioner for six years. He also served on the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission for five years.

Strengthening the military and protecting the homeland was one of Kinzler's main priorities during the campaign.

"Our citizens shouldn't be at risk at all," Kinzler had said. "We need to make sure that Americans are secure both abroad and at home."

Balancing the budget was another priority.

"We need to start living within our means," Kinzler said. "We need to start controlling our spending."