February 04, 2025
Local News

Clinton Rosette 7th-graders call for smoke-free parks

DeKALB – A group of seventh-graders made their pitch for smoke-free parks to DeKalb Park Board leaders and others in the community Wednesday at Clinton Rosette Middle School.

The seventh-graders, who are members of the middle school’s ambassador program, met twice a month for five months researching tobacco use and its health risks, school counselor Jennifer Gammelgaard said.

Their research was done in conjunction with members of the DeKalb County Health Department and Reality Illinois, a grant program of the Illinois Department of Public Health that allows young people to work with local government to change public policy on tobacco.

Students who participated included Elijah Bobo, Ella Boyer, Owen Brown, Hanna Foust, Tucker Ikens, Ashanty Kitanga, Elliot Lange, Rainan Lowry, Rachel Maxwell, Gaelle Moevi, Tyler Norton, Brett Paeglow, Esha Patel, Jakyla Rogers, Ashley Villalpando and Francis Zaylik.

At their school, the students told several community members what they had learned through their research, as well as their recommendation that DeKalb’s public parks be made entirely smoke-free.

“The kids did a really tremendous job,” Gammelgaard said. “They gave a presentation for 10 to 12 minutes, then spent almost a half-hour fielding questions from the community members that were there. They did a terrific job.”

County health officials said in a news release that Gammelgaard and Principal Tim Vincent had provided the needed support to allow students to participate in Kick Butts Day earlier this year, encouraging their peers to sign pledges to live smoke-free lives.

“These are students who have been selected as leaders in our school community,” Gammelgaard said. “They’re responsible kids who are all-around generally good kids.”