September 16, 2024
Local News

Project GenNex shows off pool’s potential in Dixon

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Mackenzie Bollhous (left), 7, Brindy Bollhous, 11, and Dylan Barker, 11, all of Dixon, tour Veterans Memorial Pool on Saturday morning during a fundraiser/open house hosted by Project GenNex to help generate support for the group’s plan to convert the old pool into a youth center and skate park.

The group collaborated with the Dixon Park District to hold the open house, which ran concurrently with the district’s first Outdoor Fun Day, an event that showcased the area's recreational opportunities.

The open house featured concerts, tours, and vendors selling food and other items.

About 20 of the organization's youth members did volunteer work during the event, and the group managed to raise about $1,500 throughout the day.

"It's still a drop in the bucket compared to what we need to raise, but the kids really pulled through all day long," GenNex co-founder Steve Wilson said.

Fundraising for the project has gotten off to a slow start, but Wilson said he hopes events like the open house will show the public not only the potential of the project, but that the group is serious about turning its idea into a reality.

He said feedback on the project from the more than 100 people who toured the facility Saturday was "overwhelmingly positive."

Go to or find Project GenNex on Facebook to donate, volunteer or for more information on the project. Donations also can be made through the Park District.