STERLING – Makayla Murphy, 18, of Dixon, is Newman High School's May Student of the Month. She is the daughter of Jeff and Peggy Murphy.
Favorite class: Anatomy, because you are always learning something new and my teacher makes this a fun class and doesn't take things too seriously.
Least-favorite class: Math. It only gets more and more complicated as you move up in school, and a lot of times you never end up using it in real life, anyway.
Favorite teacher: Donna Spencer, English 101. It took me a while to warm up to Mrs. Spencer, because she can be kind of an intimidating person at first, but she really does have a personality that anyone can talk to, and she always pushes her students the most and expects great things from them, which I know may be hard now but will benefit me greatly later in life.
School activities: Key Club and tennis.
Do you have a job? I work at Heritage Square in Dixon as a CNA.
What will you do after high school? I plan to attend Sauk Valley Community College to obtain a degree in nursing.
What is something you learned in high school that you think you will never use? A lot of the math.
What kind of music are you listening to? Country or classic rock 'n' roll.
TV show: My all time favorite TV show used to be "Duck Dynasty" but nowadays I would say anything on the TLC channel is my favorite.
Sports team: NASCAR, Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Do you have a hobby? As unusual as it is nowadays, the hobby that relaxes me the most is sewing.
Is there a celebrity whom you look like/act like/feel like? I do not think I am like any celebrity out there because I am my own unique person, but if i could pick one celebrity I would most like to be like I would pick Melissa McCarthy.
What's the one thing in your life you can't do without? My phone.
What is your advice for surviving high school? Do not worry too much about what others think of you and focus more on school itself instead.
What scares you? My future, because I hope it holds everything good but I am somewhat scared of the bad that may come with it, too.
What's something about you that nobody knows? I really do not think there is one thing that I have hidden from absolutely everybody.
If you could ask President Obama any question, what would it be? Is there really such as thing as the President's Secret Book?
If you could try any job for a day, what would it be? An EMT, just to see what it would be like and see all the different things I would have to deal with on a daily basis.
If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be? I would go to Ireland. I have always wanted to travel there and I would like to see where my ancestors came from.
What is the last good book you read? "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which is a historical drama. This book was about a very rich man in the roaring '20s who threw these big grand parties in an attempt to find the love of his life.
What is your proudest moment? I have many proud moments; they happen every day when I break out of my shell more and more each day and become a little less shy.
Who is your hero/role model? My father, because he showed me that you do not always need a college education to make something of yourself in life, all you need is to work hard for what you want and you will succeed.
Is there someone you'd like to send a shout out to? To my parents, for always being there to support me no matter what, and for always believing in me and putting faith in myself so I can believe in myself, too.
What is your favorite ...
App? I actually do not use a lot of apps.
Food? Chicken cordon bleu
Game? Monopoly
Actor? Will Ferrell
Movie? "Step Brothers"