March 06, 2025
Local News | Bureau County Republican

Local News

First Person (Rachel Starkey)

Town: Rural Princeton.

Family: Jim (husband); Kira, Kylea and Karlee (stepdaughters); Zoe (daughter); James (son).

Occupation: Office manager, Bureau County State's Attorney's office.

What was your first job? Corn detasseling in high school, but my first job out of high school was Orange Bowl-Peru Mall (how ironic that I once wore an orange jumpsuit? But it was the only time, I swear).

What is your favorite movie? "True Romance" (c. 1993 — Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Walken, Brad Pitt, Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, etc. ... great cast!).

What is your favorite book? "Soul Stories" by Gary Zukav.

What is the best concert you've been to? Besides the Logan Junior High band concerts I've attended (to see my daughter and niece), I'd have to say it's a toss up between Ozzy Osbourne and Garth Brooks (I'm diversified).

If you met a genie who granted you one wish, what would you wish for? Good health and long happy life to all of those in my family tree.

What's the hardest thing you've ever done? Watching my dear mother journey to her new dimension.

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been? Italy or Scotland.

What is one thing you're truly passionate about? Genealogy.

What is your favorite area restaurant, and what do you like to order there? Verucchis — pasta, chicken, it's all good!

What is something you like about your hometown? I like Princeton because it is full of people who care about their community. I also had the opportunity to work in the elementary schools in 2011-12 as a substitute paraprofessional, and I can attest that the teachers and staff of the district were top notch.

Is there anything you would change about your hometown? I would like to see illegal drugs vanish from this town.