Twenty-two scouts and numerous adults from Troop 16, chartered by the Federated Church in Sycamore, made their annual trek to Tesomas Summer Camp in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
This one-week summer camp adventure offers rank advancement opportunities, camaraderie of scouts from many different areas and lifetime experiences.
Each day scouts worked on merit badges of their choice such as swimming, emergency preparedness, first aid, cooking, communications, wilderness survival, fishing, archery, leatherworks, rifle shooting, robotics, canoeing, kayaking, and more.
High adventure opportunities included the Micro Trek Adventure with ATV riding, zip lining, BMX biking, paddle boarding and shooting sports, and scuba diving adventures. The evenings were enjoyed with campfires, camp programs, and free time to enjoy rope courses, a climbing wall, shotgun, archery and more. The scouts completed more than 45 merit badges combined.
Any boy age 11 through 18 is invited to join Troop 16; no past scouting experience or background is required. Troop 16 meets most Sunday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Federated Church in Sycamore. For more information, call Scoutmaster Tim Ruetten at 815-895-4940.