David Ruetten, a member of Boy Scout Troop 16, chartered at Federated Church in Sycamore, was recently awarded the Eagle rank, the highest award achievable in Boy Scouts. David is the son of Drs. Tim and Cathy Ruetten of Sycamore.
Ruetten began his Scouting journey in first grade in Cub Scout Pack 140. He earned all five Cub Scout ranks and the Arrow of Light. He continued his trail to Eagle with Boy Scout Troop 16 serving as senior patrol leader, troop quartermaster and assistant senior patrol leader. He attended numerous campouts, community service events, activities, and Tomahawk Scout Ranch and Tesomas Summer Camp in Wisconsin. He has enjoyed two high adventure experiences to the Boundary Waters in 2015 and the Philmont Scout Ranch in 2016.
Ruetten was inducted into the Order of the Arrow in 2015. He earned 27 merit badges during his Scouting career with the Scuba merit badge being his favorite to learn.
Ruetten attended St. Mary’s School in Sycamore from preschool through 8th grade and wanted to give back to the school. For his Eagle project, Ruetten built four park benches and installed a foot path for the playground to benefit St. Mary’s School.
At his formal Eagle ceremony, Ruetten was awarded his Eagle rank along with his twin brother and four other Scouts who also achieved the rank this past fall at Federated Church in Sycamore
David is a Sycamore High School freshman and a member of the SHS cross country and track teams, the DeKalb-Sycamore High School co-op swim team, the DeKalb County swim team, and will remain active in Troop 16.
Troop 16 is a strong troop with more than 45 active Scouts. Any boy ages 11 to 18 is invited to join; no past Scouting experience or background is required. Troop 16 meets most Sunday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Federated Church in Sycamore.
For information about Troop 16, contact Scoutmaster Tom Peterson at TPeterson10@me.com or 815-546-0894.