March 25, 2025
Election | Kane County Chronicle


2017 Election Questionnaire: Elburn village president candidate Jeffrey Walter


Jeffrey Walter



Current occupation

Director Solutions Delivery for Optum HouseCalls


University of South Florida May 1991; St. Petersburg, Florida, bachelor of science finance December 1997; University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, Masters of Science manufacturing management October 2004, New York Institute of Technology, New York, NY, Masters of Business Administration

Immediate family

Wife, Carrie, daughter Kaitlyn, junior at Kaneland High School, son Jeffrey, sophomore at Marmion Academy

Civic involvement

Previous T-Ball coach, soccer coach, baseball coach, Cub Scout den Leader, St. Gall Catholic Church pastoral council chairman, co-chair St. Gall annual turkey dinner, current Elburn Lions Club member, 50-hour volunteer last year American Legion Elburn Post, member St. Gall finance council, member Knights of Columbus (4th degree Knight), 2nd term village trustee

Previous elected offices held

Trustee, village of Elburn, currently in second term ending 4/31/17. First elected 2009.

Why have you decided to run for election/re-election in the Elburn village president race?

I have decided to run for village president in order to continue to build on the foundation that others and myself have laid for Elburn. I have spent the last eight years working alongside some very talented and devoted people on a shared vision for Elburn. I want to continue working toward that vision of controlled and sensible growth, building a village that provides not only the basic services, but is a place where all of the residents can enjoy an unrivaled quality of life that they cannot only be proud of, but will brag about. We have spent too much time focused on the now, and very little on what our future should look like and how do we get there. Eight years ago the housing market crashed and we spent a lot of time cutting. Now it's time to look forward. My village experience and work experience, coupled with my education and my desire to serve my community, make me the best candidate. I am not a one-issue candidate, but I am focused on all areas of this position: leadership, financial responsibility, transparency for the board and residents, hiring the best people for the leadership roles, focus on economic development and parks, and increasing the quality of life in Elburn.

What project most needs to be completed in Elburn? And how would you work to ensure the project is actually finished and done well?

The project that needs to be completed most is the continuous improvement exercise in the administrative area that is currently underway. Before last May 1, I started reviewing the ordinances around the appointed positions to see what the internal job description says and what the ordinance says the job is supposed to be and there were many inconsistencies. Terms of appointment were not clear, what the employee does today versus what was in the ordinance and the job descriptions were not consistent. So the board, at my behest, has undertaken a review to get everything aligned. This will also lead to identifying where other documentation is weak or nonexistent and allow for those areas to be improved, as well. Areas like emergency procedures and other village and department policies and procedures all need work. If elected as village president, I will continue to work with the village administrator to finish this much-needed project.

Dave Anderson has been village president in Elburn for years. Would your style of leadership be much different than his? Or the same? How would you describe your style of leadership?

My style of leadership would be different than Dave’s. My communication to the board and the residents would be more open. As to my style of management, I have always believed that mangers provide employees with the tools they need to do their jobs; leaders motivate individuals to excel at what they do. I strive for the latter. My leadership style has several elements. I am a firm believer in management by walking around. And in the village, that means talking to the employees, touring the village to see how things are going and talking to residents about their concerns. As to my fellow board members, I believe that open and honest communication is the key to building solid relationships with them, and relationships are the key to getting things done. Being able to talk to each other about issues without fear and to bounce ideas off each other, listening with curiosity, and asking questions all describe the kind of board I want to lead.

How can you work to ensure the Elburn Station development moves forward as smoothly as possible?

I am in the fortunate position to have been on the village board during the negotiations with Shodeen for the annexation agreement. That gives me the advantage of knowing why many decisions were made, not just that they were made. I will use that knowledge to ensure the development stays true to the agreement and, as was our goal throughout the negotiations, keeps the village’s best interest at the forefront.

What experience and/or strengths would you bring to the board if elected/re-elected?

Obviously, my experience as a current two-term board member gives me insight into how things in the village work and where improvements need to be made. My past work experience in senior leadership and other management roles, from being a retired Navy Master Chief (E-9) to managing over 325 hourly union workers and 14 salaried supervisors, is certainly a strength that I bring to the board. I am used to analyzing data and making decisions. My roles have required me to not just come up with the ideas, but to execute them as well, something that is extremely important in local government. It’s not just sitting at the board meeting saying we need this and we need that, it’s getting involved and making those things happen. I also have a strong financial background and have successfully managed budgets far greater than our current village budget. I look at the monthly finances and can read the story of how the village is performing as an organization. I also have the flexibility of working from home and can be responsive to various activities and events around the village and required by the village president position.

What differentiates you from the other candidate(s) running for this seat?

What differentiates me from the other candidates is that I bring a more rounded background to the position. I have leadership, management, financial, corporate, small business, village government, military and volunteer experiences that give me insights into all aspects of governing. I am not focused on one area of the village, nor only have a majority of my life experience in that same area.

Outside of politics, what are some of your other interests?

With two active high school kids, family activities (sports, plays, trips to Chicago, etc.) I'm kept very busy. And, as a vet and military retiree myself, I am very passionate about veteran issues. I was awarded my previous employer’s president’s diversity award for starting the veterans hiring initiative and the veteran employee resource group at Health Care Service Corp (Blue Cross and Blue Shield). I also love to golf, and I look for any excuse to be out of doors working in my yard or vegetable garden, walking the dog or just sitting on the back porch enjoying the weather. Volunteering is also big for our family.

Why should people vote for you in this race?

People should vote for me because I bring to the position of village president a well-rounded background with broad and relevant life and professional experiences. That, coupled with my education and desire to serve my community, makes me an excellent candidate for the position. If I am elected as village president, residents and my fellow board members can count on me for honest and open communication and leadership that will continue to build on the solid foundation that Elburn has moving us toward a shared vision of what we all want Elburn to be.