Joliet City Council candidate Larry Crawford submitted this questionnaire, answering The Herald-News' questions about the 2017 Joliet City Council race.
Name: Larry W Crawford, Sr
Political party:
Age: 62
Address: 613 N Hickory Street
Marital status: Married
Significant other: Jesus
Profession: Truancy Specialist
Employer: Joliet Public Schools District 86
Email address:
Children: 7
Education: Northeastern Oklahoma State University
Why are you running for Joliet City Council?
Joliet is a great city! It has the opportunity to help it's citizens to thrive and grow economically, socially, and spiritually. This city needs a watchful and conscientious eye to preserve and/or capture what is unfolding in this region. I have always been involved in community organizations and efforts to improve the quality of life in my city/county. I was generally one of a few 'designated' spokespersons for matters to be addressed at municipal/county public meetings.
Ultimately, I am seeking to be the At-Large Councilman to assure that every citizen knows this council works for the people and that every citizen will have opportunity to be heard, and treated with dignity and respect when voicing their concerns to the council. It is also important for the council to have a greater degree of transparency and be careful to not be condescending toward the citizens as they seek to simply be informed.
What are your qualifications to serve as a council member?
I am a registered voter.
What are the greatest challenges Joliet is facing in the coming years?
Opportunity and inclusiveness for all citizens...making Joliet more unified.
If elected, what will be your top three priorities?
Community/Economic development; second-to-none police and fire protection; and greater transparency/access to city council and all services it administrates.
What steps should the city council take to rejuvenate downtown Joliet as an economic and community hub?
We have to figure out how to capitalize on what is already at our disposal. The old prison; riverboat touristry; greater use of the city owned ball field; continue to beef up Rialto Square and encourage downtown 'open air' events, etc.
How can the city council accommodate the growth of the transportation and warehouse industries in Joliet while maintaining a high quality of life for all residents?
Have an expectation and strategy to assure employment opportunities are 'real jobs' that do not end in 6 with health benefits, etc. Since the warehousing industry presents itself as 'long-term', a more accommodating public transportation arrangement/system would make getting back and forth to work convenient and accessible for persons on all work shifts.
How involved should the city council be in the management and funding of the Rialto Square Theatre?
The council should be involved to whatever degree necessary to assure that any financial contributions made to the theater will be administered properly.