February 03, 2025
Election | Northwest Herald


2017 Election Questionnaire: John Koziol, candidate for Marengo mayor

Name: John Koziol

Age:  49

Town:  Marengo

Office sought: Mayor

1) What skills, qualities or experience do you possess that separate you from your opponents?

Marengo, at this time, needs leadership. I have managed budgets and have had training in budgetary matters in my career in law enforcement. A Mayor, or any leader for that matter, needs to surround themselves with those who are the best at what they do. Elected officials are charged with the duty of selecting and overseeing that our City Manager and Department heads excel and perform for the Marengo community with the upmost honesty, integrity and efficiency.

When it comes to leadership, you would be hard pressed to find a more qualified leader in the candidates for Mayor of Marengo than me. I have been in law enforcement for over twenty five years with over ten of those as a supervisor. I have attended numerous leadership schools and classes including the prestigious Northwestern University Center For Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command. I will ensure that everyone is treated with respect. I will ensure that everyone has a voice. By everyone I mean: elected officials, City employees and most importantly the residents and business owners of Marengo.

2) What can the City of Marengo do and what should it do to ease the property tax burden on homeowners?

Talk of tax cuts is very popular lately. Although tax cuts would be a good thing, it will be very hard to do at a local level in combination with a struggling ability to maintain proper infrastructure. While I would love to say that tax cuts are on the way, there are pressing issues like needed road repairs, water main issues, the Wastewater Treatment Plant and a Police Pension fund that is or will be inadequately funded. What we can do is be better stewards of tax dollars. We need to eliminate "luxury" spending. We need to ensure that the residents are getting what they have paid for with their hard earned dollars. The residents and business owners of Marengo deserve to have the best product and the best service for every dollar. The residents need to come first.

3) How would you describe the climate in Marengo's city government for businesses? What needs improvement? What's working?

The recent past economic downturn experienced in the Country was felt locally as well. Marengo weathered the storm to some extent. Although some new business' have made Marengo home recently, we could have done better. And we need to do better in the future. The current talk and progress related to the tollway interchange is a step in the right direction.

4) What will be the biggest challenge that Marengo residents and their City government will face over the next four years and how will you meet it?

The biggest challenge facing Marengo in the upcoming years relates to fiscal responsibility. Marengo needs to come to grips with pressing issues that can have a disastrous effect on the City.

The Police Pension is or soon will be $600,000 in debt. This needs to be addressed immediately. Currently the Police Pension Board is being told "good luck" on securing a commitment to pay down this debt. That is unacceptable. The pension crisis sweeping Illinois is alive and strong in Marengo. It is the City's responsibility that must not be taken lightly.

The current issues related to the Wastewater Treatment Plant is another potential disaster in waiting. What are the true issues? Who is ultimately responsible? Is there any recourse moving forward? I'll have those questions answered within the first few months. 
The failing and crumbling infrastructure in Marengo is the third major issue. Water mains keep breaking. Streets are in dire need of repair. All due to neglect for the past couple of decades.

5) How should Marengo plan development for the eventual full I-90 interchange?

I feel Marengo should embrace the tollway interchange. Although there are some who are against it, it will have tremendous benefits for not only Marengo but for McHenry County as a whole.  We need to stop being short sighted and look to the future for generations yet to come. I would like to see an industrial/manufacturing corridor along Rt 23 and adjacent areas. Doing this will allow the downtown area to keep its historical feel, while benefiting from not only an increase in the tax base but to have a place where residents and future residents can be employed. The increase in traffic in the downtown area, while benefiting current businesses, will need to be addressed. We need to be conscientious about the negative aspects of increased traffic.

6) What do you expect to change about Marengo by the end of your term?

I plan on getting Marengo on track to move into the future responsibly. Fiscal responsibility will be the corner stone in achieving this. Marengo needs to grow, yet grow responsibly. Stagnant Cities and Villages don't flourish. They flounder. We need to flourish. Fixing the Police Pension, addressing the Wastewater Treatment Plant, getting on track to repair a crumbling infrastructure are the main focus that I will take. But most importantly I plan on getting more citizen involvement in City affairs. I plan on ensuring that every elected official, employee, resident and business owner has a voice.

Please find me on Facebook; John Koziol for Mayor Marengo, for more information or to ask questions.