Town of residence
La Grange
Current occupation
Marketing/Community Relations FNBC Bank & Trust
BA, Early Childhood Education, National Louis University
Immediate family
Husband Jim and three children Andrew, Mattis, & Caroline
Civic involvement
District 102 Delegate Assembly Treasurer, District 102 Strategic Planning Council, Pre-School Advisory Board First Congregational Church of La Grange, Sunday School Teacher First United Methodist Church of LaGrange, Girls Intramural Coach Volleyball & Basketball
Previous elected offices held
District 204 School Board 2015-2017
Why have you decided to run for this office?
... I firmly believe in the value, impact, and importance of public education. I have been a teacher, a nearly a life long resident of the area, and a proud graduate of LT. When my husband and I started a family, we made the conscious decision to move back from the East Coast so that our children could have the same outstanding educational opportunities that I had been so fortunate to receive. Working toward the continued success and growth of LT is the best way I feel I can contribute to my community. It has been a privilege to serve as a District 204 Board Member over the past two years and it would an honor to be reelected.
What experience and strengths would you bring to this office if elected?
I have experience as a public school teacher, curriculum specialist, and administrator. ... I know how to develop and implement educational programs, and I have had the responsibility for the daily operation of a facility and maintaining a balanced budget. But more importantly, I am the Mom of three kids who attend LT, and like all kids, they have individual needs. At some point in their school careers, I have had a child who has had an IEP, a 504 plan, and has taken Honor and AP classes. This exposure to my own children’s varied needs has added...perspective and voice to decisions I make that effect students and their families.
How do you balance meeting student needs with being sensitive to taxpayers?
... A school board member strives to develop programs and update facilities with the goal of making the school a better place for our students and community. But, they are also entrusted to be stewards of the communities’ resources. It can be much like the role of a parent, balancing your desire to do all you can to enrich your child’s experience while tempering that desire with the requirement to be financially responsible. I believe student needs can be met within budgetary guidelines but it requires prudent decision-making and the willingness to compromise.
What types of new technologies or styles of learning should the district explore or implement in the coming years?
Canvas, a learning management system, was rolled out to students and staff two years ago. ... Canvas has proven easy to use by both students and faculty, and has enhanced student learning. It is web-based and can be accessed at school, home and even on student’s phones. It gives the students the ability to interact, be assessed, and receive immediate teacher feedback. Looking forward, LT will need to look at the possibility of expanding its network capability so that students would have access to Canvas through LT’s network. This would allow for even greater reliability and convenience. ...
The current political climate across the United States seems more divided than ever. What will you do to foster cooperation and compromise on the board?
The political divisiveness you see in the country as a whole is not present at LT. The board, the administrators, and the professional staff are all driven by a common goal to do what is best for our students. All new programs, budgets and issues are discussed first at the committee level where board members, administrators and faculty work closely together, and where differences of opinion are respectfully heard and addressed. Because we all share a common goal, diverse opinions backgrounds, and ideas are seen as adding value to the process. Politically divisive language or behavior would simply be incompatible and unacceptable with the current board culture.