January 02, 2025
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West Carroll FFA has 12th annual chapter banquet

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The West Carroll FFA chapter had its 12th annual Parent-Member Banquet on March 20. Chapter President Daniel Hartman opened the banquet with a greeting to the approximately 150 members and guests. FFA Advisor Mr. Mathey gave the invocation.

Numerous team and individual awards were given at the banquet. West Carroll FFA CDE teams receiving first in Section 1 FFA competition included the Varsity, Novice and Discovery Parliamentary Procedure Teams, Land Use Evaluation Team, and Agronomy Team.

Twenty-two FFA Greenhands were initiated into the West Carroll FFA chapter, and Celia Hartman was awarded the Star FFA Greenhand of 2017. Chapter FFA Degrees were presented to 11 members. Hartman and the 2016-2017 chapter officer team then recognized all of the Chapter FFA Proficiency Award winners. Hartman recognized the seven prospective State FFA Degree recipients.

Hartman presented the Chapter’s Honorary FFA Degree to Andy Dauphin for his contributions to the Chapter’s FFA plot.

Hartman was awarded the DeKalb Senior Achievement Award and the $1,000 Tom Kustes FFA Memorial Scholarship.

Retiring addresses were given by Hartman, Reporter Josi Anderson, Treasurer Natalie Shaw and Sentinel Luke Jones. The 2017-2018 West Carroll FFA officer team was also installed: President Emma Aljets, Vice President Leland Houzenga, Secretary Jaycie VanKampen, Reporter Devon Murray, Treasurer Shaelynn Williams, Sentinel Shane Houzenga and Historian Alec Tipton.

Individuals donated $3,450 to the Illinois FFA Foundation in the past year.