September 19, 2024
Letters to the Editor | Sauk Valley News

Letters to the Editor

CANDIDATES' VOICES: David Atkinson – ‘Would love to serve another 4 years’

Volunteer spirit helps to boost village, as do repairs, tourism

Sauk Valley Media presents a series of guest columns by candidates in key contested races in the April 4 election. Candidates were invited to write up to 400 words about why voters should support them. Today's race: Franklin Grove Village President

My name is David Atkinson, and I am seeking re-election as village president of Franklin Grove.

I have been serving as village president for the past 4 years and served as a trustee 4 years prior to that.

I have resided in Franklin Grove my entire life, and I am raising a family along with my wife, Jennifer, of 18 years. We have three children: David Jr., Hannah and Lilly.

I am an owner/operator of Atkinson Trucking, a business in Franklin Grove. My wife and I are EMTs on the Franklin Grove Fire Department, where I am also a firefighter. I am a current member of Grace Fellowship Church of Ashton for the past 10 years.

I am seeking re-election to be sure that some of my new committees and policies can be deeply rooted before I leave office. There are also several infrastructure repair projects I would like to oversee.

One thing that I bring to this position is a lot of wonderful people willing to get involved in building up our community. It is the volunteer spirit of these people that has created some of the biggest tourism opportunities this village has seen in quite some time.

I have very much enjoyed being the village president for the wonderful citizens of Franklin Grove and would love to serve another 4 years.

Thank you.


Age: 38

Occupation: Owner/operator of Atkinson Trucking

Education: Franklin Center High School; graduate from Wyoming Technical Institute Diesel Program

Experience: Village president of Franklin Grove, 4 years; village trustee, 4 years; EMT and firefighter on the Franklin Grove Fire Department