March 04, 2025

Sheffield Village Board

SHEFFIELD — Village President Steve Endress called the regular meeting of the Sheffield Village Board to order at 7 p.m. Dec. 4.

Board reports:

The board reviewed reports by Office Manager Ries and Superintendent Pickard. Pickard discussed water meter quotes received. Pickard and Ries will continue to analyze what is best for the village in the next couple of months in regard to meters and water billing system.

Discussion items:

Endress updated the board on the status of the proposed tax increment financing (TIF) district. Annexation agreements are to be signed in the following weeks. Chamlin & Associates are to have legal description of district limits and TIF district boundary map by Dec. 22.

Paul Ostrosky of the Economic Development Group can then prepare necessary documents for the Jan. 8 board meeting, and the timeline will be back on schedule.

Endress led discussion on modifying future board meetings, specifically reducing meetings to one a month, occurring on the second Monday of each month beginning in January.

As noted in Ries’ board report, four certificates of deposit are maturing this month. It was decided to not take any action on renewal. For now, they are to be cashed in and deposited in appropriate accounts until further board review and instruction.

Superintendent Pickard informed the board on a possible solution to correct an unlevel sidewalk in one area of Main Street Business District. Board members said they would like more information and bids at a future meeting for long-term solution for all of the Main Street Business District.

Action items:

The board approved the Nov. 20 board meeting minutes; payment of bills and payroll; the tax levy; and an ordinance on tax abatement on debt service.

On a 5-0 vote, the board accepted a proposal for engineering services from Chamlin & Associates to aid in the establishment of a TIF district in Sheffield not to exceed $6,000, to be completed by Dec. 22.

In 2018, the Sheffield Village Board will meet at 7 p.m. the second Monday of every month. Dates are Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12 and Dec. 10.