February 04, 2025
Local News

IDOT gives its blessing to new Ogle County Jail

Surveying work for new facility will begin Wednesday

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OREGON – Now that the Illinois Department of Transportation is on board, construction plans for the new Ogle County Jail are expected to move forward at the next county board meeting, which will be held Wednesday because of Tuesday's primary.

IDOT recently OK'd closing the 100 block of South Sixth Street, which will allow the new jail to be connected to the existing judicial center via a large sally port across what is now the street.

“We’re moving forward in the design process,” County Board Chairman Kim Gouker said Monday afternoon.

On the agenda is an agreement with Willett, Hofmann & Associates of Dixon for surveying and design services to relocate sewer and water mains under the street at a fee not to exceed $44,700. Surveying is scheduled to begin Wednesday.

Both the County Board and the Oregon City Council approved an intergovernmental agency agreement in December transferring jurisdiction over the block to the county. IDOT’s approval was needed for the plan to move forward.

Preliminary plans call for the breaking ground for the $28 million, 180-bed jail in the fall.

Under the terms of the intergovernmental agreement, the county will pay to relocate the utilities and for street improvements near the courthouse, judicial center, and new jail, about $600,000 all told.

Solar farm

Also Wednesday, the board is expected to vote on a special-use permit to allow a Elkhorn Solar LLC to build a solar farm on 260 acres of farmland south of Forreston, along state Route 26, that's owned by Rod and Joan Wubbena and would be leased by Elkhorn Solar LLC.

The project has met with opposition from neighbors.

The Zoning Board of Appeals and the Regional Planning Commission both voted to recommend that the county board deny the request.

However, the Planning & Zoning Committee voted to recommend approval.


The Ogle County Board meets at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Ogle County Courthouse, 105 S. Fifth St. in Oregon.

Go to oglecounty.org or call 815-732-3201 for an agenda and more information.