GENEVA – Advanced Disposal will remove its carts after garbage pickup June 28 and 29, city officials announced in a news release.
Residents should place their Advanced Disposal garbage and recycling carts – full or empty – at the curb on their normal garbage day starting the week of June 25.
All Advanced Disposal carts will be removed after the final trash pickup. Residents should leave the carts at the curb and not bring them back into their garage since a separate truck will be collecting them once they are emptied, the release stated.
For residents who may be on vacation and cannot arrange for a neighbor to put the carts out at the curb, contact Advanced Disposal’s customer service department via email at or by calling 630-587-8282.
Although Lakeshore Recycling will be delivering its own carts within the next week, residents should be using Advanced Disposal carts and garbage stickers through the end of June.
Many retail locations have stopped selling Advanced Disposal stickers given the upcoming vendor transition, but people can buy them at City Hall, 22 S. First St. or at the city’s Finance Division, 15 S. First St.
The vast majority of Advanced Disposal customers received their last quarterly bill that paid for service through the end of June several months ago.
However, some residents are on a separate billing cycle that was invoiced for services through August.
For these affected customers, Advanced Disposal will be closing their accounts at the end of June and issuing refunds for the remaining two months.
Customers who have not received a refund by Aug. 1 should contact Advanced Disposal’s customer service department.
For homes serviced by the city’s refuse contract, Lakeshore began delivering free, 65-gallon recycling carts from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 23 and will continue into the week.
Lakeshore's light blue refuse stickers can be purchased at Geneva City Hall, the city's Finance Division and will be available online at the city's website,
Stickers will be available at participating retail locations in the coming days. Lakeshore also will be honoring the yellow Advanced Disposal stickers through the end of July.
Residents who are using an Advanced Disposal garbage cart will be receiving the same size model from Lakeshore in late June. Garbage and recycling carts may not necessarily be delivered on the same day.
People who want a different size recycling or garbage cart can do so for free by contacting Lakeshore’s customer service department at 630-581-8650 or via email at before Aug. 31.
Geneva’s garbage collection schedule is remaining the same under Lakeshore, but the new waste hauler’s first pickup in July will be one day later than normal because of the Independence Day holiday.