March 23, 2025
Election | Northwest Herald


Election 2018 candidate: Mary Mahady, Senate District 32

For the 2018 November general election, the Northwest Herald sent out questionnaires to candidates running for office.

Those questionnaires from each candidate that responded are featured on our Election Central website for our readers to help you make informed decisions when you go to the polls.

The purpose is to help our readers to get know the candidates and where they stand on the important issues facing McHenry County this election. Click here to check out the rest of our questionnaires, videos and more for this election.

Name: Mary Mahady

Age: 59

Town: McHenry

Office sought: State Senate, 32nd District

Occupation: McHenry Township Assessor

Education: BA, Loyola University Chicago

Elected offices held: McHenry Township Assessor (elected 2013 and 2017)


Twitter: @mahadymary

Facebook: Mary Mahady for Illinois State Senate

1. Why are you the best person to represent the 32th District?

I have lived in the district for 38 years. I have always been actively involved professionally and socially and I am deeply connected to the communities. I have gone through many of the same life experiences as others here in the district and I share the same values. I have been appointed or elected to serve in many capacities in the community because people know me, they know who I am, what I stand for and that they can count on me to do the right thing. I wasn’t born here but it’s home. I’m willing to fight for all of us so that we can leave a better Illinois to our children and grandchildren.

2. What are your top three legislative priorities?

My top priorities are property tax law reform; providing affordable healthcare options for all and improving education at all levels.

3) How will you be effective in a State Senate that is likely to remain under the control of President John Cullerton and the Democratic Party?

My loyalty would be to the people in my district. I want to get things done and will not be afraid to give my opinion on the important issues that face the state, even if it means disagreeing with leadership. I expect there will be things we agree on and others that we do not but at the end of the day we have to work together to find the best solutions, no matter what party we are affiliated with.

4. Pension obligations consume a growing share of local, county and state government budgets, and the state has more than $100 billion in unfunded pension liability. What should the legislature do to address this problem?

I believe that, as we develop new revenue sources (i.e. legalization of marijuana; internet sales tax), we need to designate a specific percentage of that revenue to paying down that shortfall. This would be in addition to what we are currently obligated to put toward it, not in replace of and pay it off in a shorter time. Any conversations regarding a change in the pension structure should include all stakeholders.

5. Should the 32 percent income tax hike that took effect in 2017 be repealed? If so, how should the state levy income tax and at what rate?

No, I think it is something that was needed and should continue at this point. It would take an amendment to the state constitution to change from a flat tax rate so we need to continually review the rate and make adjustments as needed.

6. Should marijuana be legalized for recreational use in Illinois? If so, how? If not, why not?

Yes, I believe it should be legalized and I believe most residents agree. The plans for implementing this have already been created in several states so we should consult with directors of those programs to determine the best path forward.

7. How can lawmakers provide property tax relief for homeowners? How will you work to make this happen?

The current tax laws have too many loopholes that allow some to pay little or no taxes, which means everyone else pays more. We need to change or eliminate some of these laws and we need to monitor abuses of the system. If we have more people paying taxes, everyone’s burden is lightened. As an assessor I am aware of many laws that are unfair to most because they only benefit special interest groups. I will bring attention to these laws and make sensible suggestions to create fairness.

8. Who do you support in the race for Illinois governor, and how would you work with that person to help the 32nd District?

I support JB Pritzker for Governor. I will work with him as I would anyone by providing evidence to support any bill I am promoting while being open to other suggestions or options and ultimately working together to get the best solution

9. Illinois is among the nation's top exporters of college students. How can the legislature help to make in-state universities more affordable and competitive?

We need to make staying in state more attractive to students by making it more affordable than other states. We should offer more financial incentives such as lower in state tuition, more funding for map grants and possibly state run low interest financing options.