Name: Jim Reilly
Age: 53
Political party: Republican
Town where you currently reside: Wilmington
Children: Son, 13 years old
Office sought: Will County sheriff
Occupation (employer): Deputy with the Will County Sheriff's Office
Education: Bachelor's from DePaul University, Master's from Aurora University, current Ph.D. Candidate at Walden University
Elected offices held: none
1) Why are you running for the elected office you’re seeking?
I have served as a law enforcement officer in the Will County area for over 15 years. During this time I have met some of the most honest, dedicated people that put their lives on the line for our community, they do a tremendous job. Under the current leadership, I have seen the number of heroin deaths in Will County double, I have seen murders going unsolved, I have seen burglaries on the rise and I have seen our current administration sit by and do nothing to fix these issues.
My police experience includes working at the Joliet Police Department, and, during that tenure, my assignments included several years working for an organized crime/drug enforcement unit. This experience allowed me to be the case agent on one of Will County’s largest criminal drug conspiracy cases. I worked closely with local and federal agencies solving murders, armed robberies, murder for hires and many other high-profile cases, including political corruption. Will County residents deserve real leadership, and as sheriff, I will bring my experience to fix the issues plaguing our county and make our communities safer.
2) What skills, qualities or experience do you have that separate you from your opponents?
I have completed my Bachelor's degree with DePaul University in Criminal law, my Master's degree from Aurora University in Criminal Justice and I am currently a few months away from completing my Ph.D. in Global Leadership-Criminal Justice with my soon to be published dissertation on Community Policing.
My opponent has no college degree and is not qualified to be a lieutenant, according to WCSP policy. I have extensive narcotics experience and multi-jurisdictional experiences working closely with federal agencies, which will be instrumental in combating the current out-of-control heroin epidemic and subsequent rise in criminal behaviors. My opponent has zero narcotics experience. I have extensive experience working and investigating high-profile cases, including murders, armed violence and gang crimes. My opponent's inexperience has resulted in Will County having one of the highest unsolved murder rates in the state.
3) What are the greatest challenges facing Will County and/or your specific district in the coming years?
There is no doubt that the heroin and opioid epidemic is the largest challenge Will County is facing right now. These poisons are affecting affluent and poor neighborhoods alike, old and young, these drug dealers have infected our entire county. Because of my extensive narcotics background and relationships with local and federal agencies, I will create an in-house narcotics unit, which will be specialized in combating the heroin/opioid epidemic.
My administration will work closely with federal agencies to assist us with narcotics investigations within Will County and bordering counties. With the introduction of an in-house narcotics unit, we can concentrate on not only the dealers within Will County but also trafficking organizations who transport large-scale narcotics across our borders and into our communities.
4) If elected, what will be your top three priorities?
Solving unsolved homicides, combating the heroin epidemic and rise in criminal behaviors and fixing department policy to address identifying persons who come into police contact to make sure no more violent criminals escape our investigations in Will County.