March 25, 2025
Local News

Candidate Questionnaire: Keith Ogle

Name:  Keith Ogle

Age: 55

Political party: Republican

Town where you currently reside: Frankfort

Marital status: Married

Significant other: Kim (Married 32 years)

Children: Kelly and Kristin

Office sought: Will County Board – District 2

Occupation (employer): General manager

Education: MBA

Elected offices held: Village trustee, village clerk, library board president


Facebook: Elect Keith Ogle

Twitter: @KeithOgle2


Phone (for possible constituents to call): 815-469-7848

1) Why are you running for the elected office you’re seeking?

There are many challenges facing our district, and we must be at the table to negotiate on behalf of our residents. I have always gone where there was a need. I was not sent by an outside interest. I'm a taxpayer too, and I'm here to represent the interests of the people, not of a party.

In each of the positions I have held, I committed to attending all board meetings and committee meetings and being well informed and prepared.

2) What skills, qualities or experience do you have that separate you from your opponents?

The Will County Board is not an entry-level elected position. I bring real world experience to the position as a 30-year business owner/contractor with an advanced business degree (MBA).

I have experience working with and getting results in government settings, having served as a village trustee , village clerk, library board president, and departmental operations committee member.

I was honored to recently receive the endorsement of the Will County Deputy Sheriff's Union.

I have provided community leadership and volunteered on behalf of many civic groups, including having served as president of the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the Frankfort Fall Festival and as a homeowner's association president.

All of these require being present and accessible in the communities you serve, educating yourself on the details and context of the issues and finding common ground with which to move solutions forward. I have been attending the Will County Board, forest preserve and various Will County committee meetings since last September to make sure I am up to speed on all issues. I have also been meeting with local elected officials and attending their meetings. I intend to be your dedicated voice in creating positive change in our district and county, and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

3) What are the greatest challenges facing Will County and/or your specific district in the coming years?

No matter where you live in the district – Property taxes!!! Residents are worried they will be forced out of their homes and their communities by uncontrolled government spending and rising property taxes.

The biggest issue for our residents, unfortunately, is a state of Illinois problem — lack of any real reforms or funding mechanisms erode confidence in everything else and puts tremendous pressure on local government. People are being crushed by the Illinois property tax burden.

We need proper development to ease the residential burden of property taxes and provide jobs and opportunities, but it has to be balanced against the benefit to the community and effect on overall quality of life. We must continue to define our land use policy and make sure that our economic future isn't hampered by insufficient and functionally obsolete infrastructure. Our highways and roads are handling traffic they were not intended to accommodate and are dangerous.

4) If elected, what will be your top three priorities?

Property Tax Relief: We need to continue to keep a close eye on costs, ways to cut wasteful spending, and growing the EAV. We can work together to find the opportunities and solutions that best serve our district

Infrastructure: Our highways and roads are handling traffic they were not intended to accommodate and are dangerous. Our economic future is hampered by insufficient and functionally obsolete infrastructure. District 2 essentially resides within a "triangle" of I-80, I-57 and I-55. Traffic on I-80 is horrific, and residents continually express their concerns about safety. Traffic diverted onto Route 53 and county roads is a major problem.

Development: It is important that we bring good quality development and jobs that sustain communities instead of weaken/damage them and understand the impact that current and future growth trends will have on our communities.