Breast Cancer has affected so many families, friends, and loved ones in so many ways, it wasn’t hard for the men of Minooka Community High School to say yes when asked to participate in the American Cancer Society’s, Real Men Wear Pink campaign.
The idea to take part was brought up by MCHS Science Department Chair Donna Engel.
“I was really looking for a unique way to honor those that have survived this journey, are living with this dreadful disease, and pay respect to those that have lost their fight,” Donna Engel said in a news release
“I found the Real Men Wear Pink campaign and just had to ask my fellow educators and administrators if they would play a part in fundraising to help fight cancer. They were excited for the opportunity to help,” Engel added in a news release.
Seven men from Minooka Community High School have taken the step forward to help raise money, and awareness, during the month of October.
Those men are as follows: Ron Kiesewetter, principal of MCHS; Matt Wikoff, assistant principal of MCHS Central Campus; Bert Kooi, physical education and health and driver education department chair; Joe Pacetti, director of student services; Sean Hackney, English department chair; Robert Tyrell, athletic director; and Jeff Easthon, world languages department chair.
All these men have been affected, in some way or another, by cancer. Whether it is with a family member, or a friend, cancer has made an impact on their lives. This distinguished group of community leaders is determined to raise awareness and money to support the American Cancer Society's mission and save more lives than ever before from breast cancer.
Aside from raising money to fight breast cancer, Donna Engel has also developed heart-felt events during the MCHS home football game scheduled for Oct. 19, 2018. The football stadium will see a sea-of-pink, on the home side, during the annual PINK OUT GAME.
Breast Cancer Survivors will be honored between the sophomore and Varsity game with their names read over the public address system, along with the number of years of remission.
During this time, survivors will be escorted to the specific yard line on the football field, according to the number of years in remission, and receive a pink bracelet and a pink rose.
A luminaria ceremony will take place after the game and those in attendance will be asked to come to the track for a walk of remembrance. Luminaria will be sold via the web store as well as at the game up to half time of the Varsity game.
Prior to the Oct. 19 PINK OUT GAME, T-shirts will be on sale at the web store with all profit going to the American Cancer Society. There will also be a pink bucket challenge during the various lunch periods for students of MCHS. The winner of the pink bucket challenge will be announced during half time and receive a trophy.
Breast cancer survivors will gain free admission to the football game. To register, email Donna Engel at
Every dollar raised goes toward the American Cancer Society to research and patient support.
For more information and personal stories, visit