February 11, 2025
Election | Kendall County Now


Election 2019: John Purcell, Yorkville Mayor

John Purcell

Age: 50

Current occupation/employer: Operator of Yorkville and Oswego Ace Hardware

Educational background: Yorkville High School - 1986; Adams State College, Colorado - Bachelor's degree in Business

Previous municipal/civic involvement: Kendall County Board Member 2000 - Present; Chairman of the Board 2010 - 2012, Finance Chair for 12 years. More at https://www.facebook.com/purcellformayor/

Why are you seeking election as mayor?

Yorkville needs a responsive, responsible leader. Dozens of community residents, both new and long-time, urged me to run. These residents see my 18 years County Board experience, and my willingness to listen, to ask tough questions, and to make tough decisions as assets. Plus, 23+ years of business experience is a benefit for our growing community. A common concern is the Administration’s lack of responsiveness and communication when issues arise.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I am the only candidate with 23-plus years of private business experience and 18-plus years of elected office experience.

If elected what would be your top priority? Priority #1. The City administration will listen and respond to constituents and others, even when differences of opinion exist.

Do you support the current city council's handling of economic development and business growth? Please explain.

The City’s use of TIF districts negatively impacts the School District. The school district could lose over $600,000 annually with the current TIF arrangements. Secondly, the use of SSAs for residential growth is wrong. Finally, forced annexation is not a panacea to financial challenges.

Is there fat in the city's budget? If so, what programs or positions would you work to eliminate?

Administration salaries budgeted for FY19 are 49 percent higher than the 2016 actual expenditures.2) The downtown TIF (Fund #88) is budgeted to have a NEGATIVE $1.2 Million fund balance with annual operating DEFICITS 3 Straight Years.

What, if anything can the city do to have the Illinois Department of Transportation expedite the rebuilding and widening of Route 47 from Kennedy Road north to Sugar Grove?

With the much-anticipated State capital program, the County Board recently hired a firm to lobby our State House and Senate for Route 47 and Eldamain Road bridge funding. Both of these projects, when completed, would spur tremendous long-term growth for Yorkville’s tax base. These types of long-term projects would benefit tens of thousands of residents every day.

Would you propose any new services or programs for city residents?

Just as with a home that needs expansion for a growing family, let’s ensure the City’s foundation, both physically (roads, etc.) and financially, is strong before major additions.