March 06, 2025
Local News

Candidate questionnaire: Sheldon Watts, Bolingbrook trustee

Name: Sheldon L. Watts

Age: 43

Office sought: Village of Bolingbrook Trustee

Political Party: First Party For Bolingbrook (Non-Partisan)

Town where you currently reside: Bolingbrook

Occupation (employer): Global Compliance Management (Telecommunications Solutions Industry)

Spouse/Children: Married (Cherron) with 4-year-old twins (Shania and Sheldon Jr.)

Education: Bachelor's degree in psychology, and a master of business administration, both from Roosevelt University. Ph.D. candidate at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology — field of study, organizational leadership.



Phone: 708-259-5085


Twitter: @first4bbrook

Why are you running for the elected office you're seeking?

I have a desire to make a difference in our community, and I am passionate about giving back and service to others. The seed of giving back and community service was instilled in me as a young child, as I watched my parents dedicate their lives to helping others when I was growing up.

Bolingbrook has come a long way in a short period of time (53 years), and it is critical that we continue to have strong leadership as we move forward. I’m running to ensure that we preserve our history of success, while also securing a bright future for Bolingbrook on behalf of all our children. As a current trustee, it has been an honor to serve, and I am committed to continuing to provide positive, professional and visible leadership.

In addition, I look forward to continuing to champion personal, professional and economic development opportunities and initiatives for our community. I founded the Bolingbrook STEM Association with the goal of enhancing the science, technology, engineering and math learning opportunities for local students, and I’ve also had the opportunity to establish a networking forum for the business community. I’d like to see us create more opportunities of this nature that assist with advancing the quality of life for our residents. I’ve been committed to strengthening the village/resident communications channels and will continue to work internally to explore and roll out new and enhanced methods of communication.

As First Party For Bolingbrook candidates, we have a robust platform. At the heart of that platform is the commitment to fiscal responsibility, transparency and protecting our investment in our infrastructure, which includes our roads, storm water management, and wastewater treatment plants. I am dedicated to this cause and will continue to work tirelessly to ensure Bolingbrook remains a safe, thriving, business- and family-friendly community.

What skills, qualities or experience do you have that separate you from your opponents?

My extensive professional, educational and community service experiences over the years have played a significant role in preparing me for the role of village trustee. Those past and current experiences include being a Zoning Board of Appeals commissioner for the Village of Bolingbrook and an avid volunteer with various nonprofit organizations, each of which has provided me with a solid understanding of the needs of the community.  I currently serve as chair of the Village's Public Services Committee and a member of the Finance Committee, where I’ve received a firsthand view and understanding of the Village’s processes and operations.

I’ve had a 21-year career in the corporate technology industry, where I’ve held various roles across engineering organizations, business operations management, and today I am in a global compliance management role. My formal education, along with the experiences and skills that I’ve developed, has equipped me with a critical eye for details and an in-depth understanding of matters related to managing large organizations.

What are the greatest challenges Bolingbrook is facing in the coming years?

With the increasing cost of constituent services, employee pension obligations, and a host of other financial demands, managing the tax burden on residents is certainly a significant challenge that we face. Ensuring that the village operates in an efficient and effective manner will continue to receive my full focus and attention. Over the past two years, the Village board has kept the levy at the same rate. I will continue to work hard to maintain a low “Village” portion of the tax bill, which is currently 8.78 percent of the overall tax bill.

Separately, ensuring that the community is informed and has the correct information as it relates to the debt incurred as part of the investment in our infrastructure is also important. This investment in infrastructure is the reason that many of us moved to Bolingbrook. If it were not for this investment in infrastructure, Bolingbrook would not have had the residential and commercial development that we’ve seen and continue to see. There is a solid, responsible re-payment plan in place — there had to be for the bond debt to be approved. The Village is in a comfortable repayment plan that is about 12 percent of our annual revenue, which equates to an annual payment range of $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 per year. At 12 percent of our annual revenue, that is a smaller percentage than what is required for someone applying for a home mortgage. When purchasing a home, a typical debt-to-income ratio required by a mortgage lender is between 20 and 30 percent. We are well under our means.

We currently have revenue streams in line to pay the debt off. I am committed to the plan in place, and will continually pursue opportunities to restructure, refinance and increase revenue streams to pay off the debt sooner.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities?

My top priorities are as follows:

1) Protect the investment in infrastructure through continual maintenance and upkeep of our roads, bridges, stormwater management, wastewater treatment, etc.

The Village is progressing and moving forward on some key road projects. As chair of the Public Services Committee, I commit to working closely with staff to do everything within our control to manage these projects to completion on time and within budget.

Key road projects that are in the works include:

Weber Road Interchange Project: The installation of a diverging diamond and widening to six lanes is being done by Will County, and the Village of Bolingbrook will be adding the street lights and sidewalks. Construction is scheduled to be completed by August of 2021.

Rodeo Drive widening from Dalton Lane to Kings Road: Work should begin late May to early June.

The Rodeo Drive and Kings Road roundabout is scheduled to start shortly after the Fourth of July.

Kings Road extension from Rodeo North to Hassert Boulevard: Work should begin late May to early June.

2) Advocate for the reduction in water rates through continued support from Lemont, Homer Glen, Romeoville and Woodridge, forming the Northern Will County Water Agency. Litigation established to acquire the Lake Michigan Water Pipeline from American Water is progressing, and the court case is expected to be heard in 2019. I am committed to supporting both the partnership and the fight in court.

3) Maintaining the Village's high transparency rating and continually exhibit fiscal responsibility through process improvements and controlled spending. The Village has kept its levy at the same rate for the past two years. The Village portion of the tax bill has been reduced from 22 percent to a little under 9 percent over the years. The Village has also consistently attained the Illinois Policy Institute's Sunshine Award, for 100 percent transparency. It is a top priority of mine to responsibly collect and spend the residents' tax dollars while also keeping residents in the loop by continuing to make Village operations open, accessible and transparent.