March 12, 2025
Election | Kane County Chronicle


Candidate for Geneva District 304- Katherine Frye

Name: Katherine Frye

Town of residence: Geneva

Office sought: Geneva District 304 School Board


Civic involvement and volunteer work:

This would be my first position in public office.

I currently teach Religious Education at our local parish

Helped to organize a holiday purse drive for homeless women in local shelters

Previous elected offices held: N/A

1. Why are you the best candidate for this office?

I am a mom on a mission to ensure that every decision made is done in the best interest of our students and community.

My children are just starting in the Geneva school system, I have more then 18 years to be vested into this district and its growth.

I taught for 8 years in a private high school where I was an advisor for many organizations and coached 2 sports. I can offer insight into concerns that teachers, support staff and administrators might have.

It would be my goal to ensure that every day we go to work for our students, we keep in mind their futures and the type of world we would like them to contribute to.

We must model for them: understanding, positive communication, and tolerance.

2. What are the biggest challenges facing the office you seek?

Positive and open communication.The Geneva community has been hurt by this past negotiation session.

Many people just say “get over it," but honestly, many people can not.

The teachers hurt. They feel like they were not heard or that the board does not care about their needs and the board hurts because they feel as if that the community sees them in a negative light.

So our biggest hurdle is going to be repairing the relationship between the board, the teachers and the community.

There needs to be raw and honest conversation between all parties, and when all parties can come to the table, listen, and provide constructive feedback then we can begin to grow and heal open wounds.

3. What issues would you like to address should you be elected?

I would like our board, teachers and community to take part in a SWOT analysis identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

This would allow a starting point for constructive conversation to happen, honest communication.

We need to evaluate the social and emotional needs of our students. Are we providing enough resources to educate our teachers on these issues.

Technology and social media play a large impact in our students. Our district needs to ensure we are providing sufficient access to personal that can help with the struggles many students face in this day in age.