March 06, 2025

Marseilles mayoral candidate John Grooms

Name: John Charles Grooms

Age: 37

Years of residency in the district: 29

Occupation: Accountant

Previously elected positions: N/A

Contact information for voters:, 815-343-4161

Q. Why have you decided to run for mayor/commissioner and what major goals do you plan on working towards?

A. As a longtime resident of Marseilles, I consider this my home and a place I hope to never leave. Over the last few years I have noticed residents are becoming concerned with the way the city is being run, myself included. It's time for the talking to stop and action to be taken.

Q. What sets you apart from your opponents?

A. I'm here to create change and make the City of Marseilles better. I will strive to create a better downtown area for businesses that are looking for a place to call home, and I will work with existing businesses to help grow the economy within the city.

Q. The city's handling of Freedom Fest generated compliments and criticisms last year. What are your thoughts on the event and what, if any, changes would you work towards?

A. Freedom Fest could be the biggest money-making event for the city if it is handled correctly, which over the years the city has failed time and time again to capitalize on the thousands of people who come to Marseilles solely for this event. Several changes need to be made, parking for both the bikes and visitors is a nightmare. The vendors need to be handled better, and we need to better manage the finances overall.

Q. How would you grade the City Council's handling of the budget on a scale of A to F? If low, where do you feel the city could do a better job of cutting expenditures or finding new revenue?

A. First off, the document I was handed that was referred to as a "budget" is almost impossible to read or understand. I am in the process of going through it line by line and organizing it to make it presentable and understandable for everyone, I will not give a grade on something like this. As to what can be done to increase revenue, I refer you back to question two.

Q. How would you grade the City Council's transparency and accessibility to the public on a scale of "A" to "F?" If high, what specifically have you admired or what have you done to increase transparency? If low, where specifically have they lapsed and what could be done better?

A. "F." The city does whatever they want when it's convenient for them. There is no transparency, just excuses, and defending of wrongdoing by members or employees and it needs to stop now. If elected I intend to take the necessary steps to create an environment of complete transparency and accountability from the top down.

Q. How many city council meetings have you attended recently?

A. I have not attended any within the last year as I have lost faith in my voice being heard.

Q. What are your thoughts regarding the City Council's current projects (i.e. working toward creating a boat launch, dispersing home repairs grant money, etc.)? Is there a particular project you want to see the City Council tackle in the near future?

A. The boat launch is a good thing, the grant money is a phenomenal asset to the community, I just hope the council makes the correct choices in the disbursement of the funds. As far as future projects, I would love to see something done with all of the empty buildings on Main Street as well as additional public parking.

Q. Do you support the city's withdrawal from the Illinois River Area Chamber of Commerce? Why or why not?

A. Absolutely not! The Illinois River Area Chamber of Commerce is part of this community, and I feel that decision was made strictly because of a disagreement with an employee. This goes back to what I said earlier, the city does what it wants when it wants. This matter was never put to a public vote, and the citizens of this community have the right to be heard.

Q. Other than for family or health reasons, why would you leave your position mid-term?

A. Let me be clear, this is a job. My job is to make this city better and make sure the members of this community are taken care of in a manner that reflects the "family" we are. What I am not here to do is put the needs of one person, myself included, over the needs of my community as a whole. With that said the ONLY way I would leave mid-term would be if the people no longer had faith in my ability to lead going forward.

Q. What headline do you hope to read The Times at some point during your term?

A. Marseilles, a place you want to call home…