January 21, 2025
Election | Kane County Chronicle


Candidate for Batavia School Board- David NieKamp

Candidate for Batavia District 101 – David NieKamp

Name: David NieKamp Psy.D.

Age: 52

Town of residence: Batavia

Office sought: Batavia School Board member

Website: N/A

Civic involvement and volunteer work:

I have worked as a clinical psychologist with the disabled, homeless and families in the Fox Valley for 20 years and wrote a column for the Kane County Chronicle from 2004 to 2008 on Family Matters.

Previous elective offices held: None

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

I have served on boards of non-profit organizations and on the boards of successful, private, family-owned organizations here in the Fox Valley. I will develop productive leadership and create productive and sustainable organizational policies.

What are the biggest challenges facing the office you seek?

To elevate public awareness of current policies that inhibit optimized learning environments.

What issues would you like to address should you be elected?

I want to optimize the learning environment for everyone and provide budget clarity, accuracy and transparency, along with securing a master plan that ensures the growth and development of students from a bio-psycho-social perspective, helping them to become productive adults and citizens.