Bureau County Republican

Bev Larson honored for 50 years of DAR membership

PRINCETON — The Princeton-Illinois chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution honored one of its members for 50 years membership.

Beverlia Larson (Mrs. Clark Larson Jr.) was honored at the April meeting for her 50 years of active membership. She has been actively engaged in all aspects of the society. She has served in nearly every office of the chapter, including regent and vice regent. She is currently corresponding secretary. She has served in offices at the district level. Nearly every committee has been touched by her handiwork.

Larson does a tremendous job of informing new members about the workings of DAR — encouraging and mentoring. She attends as many meetings as possible, and works diligently to keep herself informed of the latest DAR happenings.

She is presently chairman for Chapter Achievement and Honor Roll, Vietnam 50th Anniversary Commemoration, finance and protocol. As chairman of the Illinois Bicentennial committee, she worked tirelessly to help celebrate the 200th birthday of the state of Illinois bringing recognition to Princeton-Illinois Chapter from the state organization as well as from the National Society DAR. She is ready with her camera to record all activities and keeps excellent records. She is particularly interested in patriotic endeavors — honoring veterans and the U.S. flag at every opportunity. She exemplifies everything that is DAR.

Larson’s sister, Norma Kirby, who is also a DAR member in another chapter, was in attendance for the presentation. The presentation was made by Agnes Ross, chapter vice regent.