The Pregnancy Resource Center – Grundy & South Will County celebrated its new medical services with a ribbon cutting ceremony Aug. 1 with the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
The resource center has been located at 410 N. Broadway St., Coal City, since January 2018 and is run by three employees and more than 10 volunteers, according to a news release. In May, it began offering free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds performed by medical professionals, in addition to the social services it had always provided.
“We are here for women, helping them understand all their options so that they are equipped, educated and empowered to make an informed choice,” Director Tami Rush said. “Our pregnancy center offers compassionate care to women who feel helpless and alone, and we offer the resources and information they need to care for themselves and their family. Our pregnancy center provides care and resources for free.”
The center specializes in advocacy and education – parenting classes, male mentoring, pregnancy testing and confirmation, ultrasound scanning, STD/STI information, baby supplies, emotional support and post-abortion support.
“Our pregnancy center clearly communicates that we exist to provide, at no charge, the practical resources, information and emotional support to choose life for their child and we provide that support long after the baby is born,” Rush said.
Medical services are provided by volunteer medical professionals. The center is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, from 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Friday by appointment only.
The nonprofit organization is a non-political organization financially and practically supported by individuals, groups and organizations, Rush said.
“The Pregnancy Resource Center staff and volunteers are passionate about helping women and men during what can be a scary time,” Chamber President & CEO Christina Van Yperen said. “The help, support and services they provide are not only filling in a need for our communities, but offer peace of mind as well.”
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