September 16, 2024
Local News | Kane County Chronicle

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Hull to succeed Boles as Kane County Circuit Clerk's next chief judge

Hull to assume duties before end of the year

Kane County Circuit Court judge Clint Hull believes his passion for justice speaks volumes to what people can expect from him as the next chief judge for Illinois’ 16th Judicial Circuit.

“Myself, as well as other judges, have always been real active trying to give back to our school system, so if there’s an area that I’m really passionate about would be our juvenile justice system—abuse, neglect and delinquency,” he said. “I love working and trying to do things that can help us with our juvenile justice system, so if there’s anything I want to emphasize, that might be an area that’s really important to me.”

Hull, 52, will assume the duties and responsibilities currently held by Susan Clancy Boles before the year’s end. He said there are a lot of moving parts that will dictate how he will serve as chief judge.

“All I am is a representative of all the judges that make up our system,” Hull said. “It’s a collective effort.”

Hull was elected to the office of chief judge on Sept. 11. Boles is set to step down as chief judge in December, at which point Hull will take over.

Hull said that being elected as the next chief judge means a lot to him.

“I spent most of my career over at the Kane County Judicial Center working first as a prosecutor and now as a judge for 10 years, so for me, to be able to have the opportunity to work with all the judges and all the people that I’ve worked with for the past 27 years is an honor,” he said. “It’s something that I’ve been looking forward to.”

Boles is currently in the process of finishing her second consecutive, two-year term. Local court rules prevent her from seeking a third term as chief judge. However, Boles will continue to serve as a circuit court judge moving forward.

“I plan to continue to be in the trial courtroom,” Boles said.

Boles said that among her proudest accomplishments as chief judge are installing the new case management system, establishing a strong pre-trial program and expanding the specialty courts.

Hull spoke highly of Boles and what she’s accomplished.

“We’re coming off a period of time with Judge Boles where we’ve had excellent leadership over the last four years,” he said. “From that standpoint, it’s really a blessing and really easy to come and follow somebody whose done such a great job. I don’t think that there’s anything that’s pressing that needs to get taken care of immediately.”

Hull also credited the judiciary for working well with one another and all the stakeholders. He said it’s a nice situation for he and the judiciary to have because they can continue to build on past successes.

“I’m really excited about the opportunity,” Hull said. “I’ve been born and raised in St. Charles. For me, I’m just really excited to have an opportunity to try to do some good work.”