September 07, 2024
Local News

New pumper-tender coming to Oregon fire district

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OREGON – Another pumper-tender will be parking at the Oregon Fire Protection District come March.

The department is getting a $300,000, no-interest loan from the State Fire Marshal and Illinois Finance Authority’s fire truck and ambulance revolving loan program the state said in a news release Wednesday.

The department already has one tender truck that carries 2,000 gallons, but only has a few years of service remaining, Fire Chief Michael Knoup said.

“Replacing aged equipment is a high priority, and this will be a great addition,” Knoup said.

The new truck, from Toyne Inc. of Breda, Iowa, will hold 3,500 gallons. It will be equipped to function as an engine with a 1,500 gallon-a-minute pump, and as a secondary engine if needed, Knoup said.

It’s the first time the department has applied for the loan, which was given as part of more than $9.3 million in no- or low-interest loans issued to emergency responders.

Under the program, fire departments, protection districts and township departments could apply for up to $350,000 in 20-year loans to buy fire or brush trucks.

Oregon’s will be repaid with existing tax revenue; no taxes will be raised.

“Fire departments throughout Illinois face financial stressors that can make it difficult to properly equip and train their firefighters,” State Fire Marshal Matt Perez said in a news release. “This new equipment will help them serve their communities in a safer, more efficient and effective way.”