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Rosary High School scholarship-qualifying entrance exam date set

Eighth graders can take test on Dec. 7

AURORA – Eighth grade girls seeking admission to Rosary High School and consideration for scholarships should take the entrance exam Dec. 7 at 9 a.m. at Rosary, 901 N. Edgelawn Drive, Aurora. Register for the exam online at http://rosaryhs.com/exam.

The first 100 students who register for the Entrance Exam will be entered in a drawing to win a $500 tuition credit for the 2020-21 school year, according to a news release from the high school. Parents are invited to stay for light refreshments and a presentation/Q&A session at the start of the entrance exam.

The release states that students must test at Rosary on Dec. 7 to receive scholarship consideration. Results of the Entrance Exam will determine the academic scholarships awarded each year. Rosary is able to offer scholarships due to the generosity of alumnae, friends and foundations. For more information, visit www.rosaryhs.com/rosary_scholarships. A second entrance exam will be offered on Jan. 11.

Families who may be in need of assistance are encouraged to apply through the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment website at www.factstuitionaid.com. Applications must be completed by December 31, 2019. "Finances should not deter a family from choosing Rosary for their daughter," says Head of School Anthony Wilkinson. "Please be assured that we will work with families who are in need."

The testing fee is $35, $36 if purchased online. This online form includes entrance exam registration, application for admission, and a release of information form.

Eighth grade girls are encouraged to schedule a Shadow Day at Rosary to get a realistic view of a typical day at Rosary High School. Sign up at www.rosaryhs.com/shadow.

For more information, visit www.rosaryhs.com/admissions. Call Admissions at (630) 896-0831 x245 or email admissions@rosaryhs.com.

Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-preparatory high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. For more information, visit www.rosaryhs.com.